Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, February 25, 2019
St. Anne’s Church
Oasis of Peace Message

Jesus: Little Child of My Sacred Heart who I love so much, peace be with you.
My daughter, in answer to your question, yes there is hope of saving the world from the Wall of Jericho falling on it IF all those who have heard My message do indeed ask The Blessed Trinity, Blessed Mother, the Angels, the Saints, and the Souls in Purgatory to do the Jericho Prayer Walk around the World and all the places that I mentioned yesterday.
Do not say 'its okay, I pray every day.' This is not enough My dear children. Heaven needs you to ASK us to do this Jericho Prayer Walk as we need your permission. We cannot interfere in Free Will. Amen. Take this warning seriously My dear children. The battle being waged above you is furious – bigger than any in the history of mankind. If not enough people invoke Heaven and pray hard, the Spiritual Battle will change from spiritual to physical and there will be terrible bloodshed and suffering.
Trust in your Jesus. Remain obedient. Do your part. We are counting on you – on ALL of you. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Go now to love and serve the Lord and each other. Amen.