Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, February 2, 2019

The man who receives the Holy Family Refuge messages was given a vision a number years ago and asked by God the Father to have it painted. He requested that the picture be finished by Christmas, 2018, since the vision was for the times we are living in now. Because the battle against the evil one was so intense during the process, God requested a total of 15 Masses be said for sufficient graces to complete the picture as He desired.
As the picture was being painted, God gave messages for the top and the bottom of the picture, and He also gave the 2 messages below (dated 1/14/19 & 2/1/19) to be placed on the back of the picture. Attached is a link to the completed picture with the inscriptions added to the top and bottom. The 2 messages for the back of the picture are printed below.
Feel free to print this picture and the messages and share with others.
Our Lady of America/Statue of Liberty Picture and Messages
(click above link to open/print picture)