Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
The Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God

My love, My most beautiful child, this is your adopted Mother and first Mother next to God the Father who created all the children of the earth. God was the first Mother and Father of all creation because God is all and God made all. I was made to be the next Mother of all creation of My Father’s children. Mothers and fathers on earth are the third mother and father of all Our children on earth. God even uses your free will or another person’s free will to bring children to earth through the gift of marital intercourse. My Father always uses the will of a person or persons on earth to recreate any and everything that He creates. You were all created on the 6th day of Creation. You were all brought to life through the choice of one of God’s children who chooses to have relations with another of His children of the opposite sex.
My God and your God created everyone and held them within Himself in eternity until it was time on earth to permit two of His children to bring human life to each of His children at the time He chose for that child to be born on earth. God has a plan for every one of His children; to do His Will to fulfill the plan He has for them. Some of God’s angels and some of His human children followed His Divine Will and some followed their free will or satan’s will who fell from Heaven because they refused to do God’s Will.
None of your children are really yours, God gave them to you through the marriage act, whether you were married or not, as a gift from Heaven from God, to raise for Him here on earth with the best of your ability and with the gifts He has given you. God loves all of us the same with all His heart, mind and soul. He has given all His children a soul to love Him as best you can with your heart, your mind and your soul. If you fail or fall, ask God’s forgiveness and then get up and move on. All of you are going to sin and fall over and over in your lives and the only thing God expects of you is to ask forgiveness for your sins, get up, start again, and try to do better the next time. Falling and suffering is the way you learn. Look at a child learning to walk, when they start to walk, they fall hundreds of times and have to have the grace and courage from their mothers and fathers and from God to get up and try again until they learn to walk. Then, God moves them onto the next step in their lives.
Your lives are nothing but a learning process to see how close you can get to Heaven before you die with the gifts God has given you. Some feel Heaven on earth, some do not. It is all determined by the graces and prayers you receive and how you use them. Very few learn the way to Heaven on earth and when you die, you go to Purgatory to finish your journey to Heaven. Some refuse God for all eternity and follow satan or the fallen angels and are sent to hell like the thief on the cross that refused to repent or ask God for His forgiveness. Some wait until the last minute like the good thief who asked forgiveness at the last minute as he watched Jesus die on the cross. Jesus said to him, “This day you will be with Me in Heaven.” God does not condemn anyone, you condemn yourselves by not repenting and asking God forgiveness for your sins just like Judas. This is Mary, the Mother of the Trinity, and We do not want to lose any one of Our children because We love all of you with all Our hearts, all Our minds, and all Our souls. Love, the Mother of God, happy new year 2019. See you soon in Heaven.
Received a short time later: My son, some will believe and understand. Some will not believe or understand. Do not condemn what you do not understand. My son condemned these messages when he was young in faith. Now he understands. Love, Mother Mary.