Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Come Holy Spirit and St. Michael with the Trinity’s words through Mary

My beloved son, this is your Mother Mary. My son, wants you to know that He wants the private message given to you two weeks ago (the 9/11 message below that had not been published) to be sent out. He spoke to you about the crops that were in the field and some of them were becoming rotten. You have now harvested your crops and you found this to be true. You have also seen many bad crops in other people’s fields with a lot of damage from insects, storms, mold, and rotting from the rain that you had so much of this year. You also had people come down from up north of you that had little rain this summer and their crops are about one-half of normal yield. Many of your rivers have flooded and caused many acres of crops to be destroyed by the water in the low lying areas and also in your area in places. Fires have destroyed many crops out west. This is not just happening in your country, but all over the world. All of the things that My Son told you are happening right in front of you all over the world.
My son all the Father told you is happening and will continue to get worse. He told you that many of your crops would rot in the fields and many stores would have empty shelves and a shortage of food. This is already happening in different parts all over the world. It will now start happening in the United States of America which is being controlled by a communist government that is taking your country down. Much poison is being spread from the air in the jet stream from the sprayers on the wings of the planes (chemtrails). Many viruses. sicknesses and poisons of all kinds are being dumped on your country. They are causing much flooding and bad weather with all the HAARP machines around the world.
This is all being caused because of all the sins of America. My God, and yours, controls everything, but all your sins of abortion, homosexuality, and the sins of the flesh are calling down His justice on America. He has given you free will and the Ten Commandments and when you obey God’s Will, you are protected from satan, but when you give satan all your will you cannot be protected by your God because you are asking for His justice. It will continue to get worse until you, My children of America, get down on your knees and ask forgiveness and start following the Ten Commandments and put them back into your government, your states, your countries, your schools, your churches, and into yourself.
Where are you living in your life at this time—for God and self, for satan and self, for God and satan and self, for God only, or for satan only? Please put an ‘X’ on the way you are living at this time in your life. Then, start living for your God and He can protect you again. If My children you do not change, then you give satan the power to take you over and destroy your country. God’s hands are tied until you give Him your free will. Die in your sins, stubbornness, and His justice and be in hell for all eternity. Or change, live in His Will, and be with Him in Heaven some day.
Love, the Trinity. Amen.