Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Come Holy Spirit with Mary’s words and the Trinity’s protection

My love, My beautiful one, this is Mary the Mother of God to all the human race through the power of the most high, God the Father. He wants Me to speak to you one more time about all the love of the Father and Mother of Heaven and earth. My son and all Our children, please come to My Father and me when you need love and peace and joy and not to all the things of the world. The world will just give you momentary pleasures and nothing that lasts. Most of the things of the world are controlled and run by satan now because of all the sins of the world. You’ve got to come to Heaven for joy and peace and love. Then you can give it to your brothers and sisters that do not know about real love. My children are so confused about their roles in life in this era of time.
My Son and I will be coming to take many of Our children home very soon now. Please make sure you are ready for Heaven or Purgatory and not hell. We are all forgiving parents and it is your job and duty to ask forgiveness from your heart for all your past sins. As My Son said in the other message, you have to ask forgiveness from your heart because We will not go against your free will. We will send many graces to you just for your asking or that of your brothers and sisters asking for you. Heaven is full of angels and saints just wanting you to ask them to help you and be with you at all times, day and night. They will give you all the grace you need to get to Heaven just for the asking. Forget the sins of the past by asking God’s forgiveness from your heart, mind and soul and then begin to live in the present time with the love and peace of your Mother and Father and all of Heaven.
God never wanted the earth to be sinful. It was Our children who chose through their own free will to sin instead of following the Ten Commandments that God set down for all to follow and be happy on earth and extremely happy in Heaven. It is never too late to get down on your knees and beg your God’s forgiveness for all your past sins and be forever happy in Heaven.
The Catholic Church is the One True Church by My Son’s death and resurrection to be followed by all mankind. The other churches are all taken from the Catholic Church and they just dropped things from the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church that they did not want to obey. That is how, with satan’s help, the churches got so watered down to the point they are today, the same way that he tricked Eve to eat of the apple from the forbidden tree.
My children, I just ask you to do the best you can with the knowledge that has been given to you in your life. Some have been given much and some have been given little to work with. You will be judged by what you have done with what God has given you. A teaching from your loving Mother. Love, love, and more love.