Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, July 15, 2016
Come Holy Spirit with God the Father’s words to His children

My beloved son and children, your country America keeps wondering what to do to save your country and it is so simple. Your country is now being led by a communist leader controlled by the one world government which is controlled by satan himself. Your country was founded on God and the Ten Commandments. The only chance you have to survive is to put the Ten Commandments back into the government, your schools, and all of your work places. It is as simple as that. When a country is led by satan, it will not survive.
Your country was taken down by one commandment at a time. When your government threw out one commandment, they destroyed 10% of your country at a time. They destroyed 10% with the first commandment, 20% with the second commandment, 30% with the third commandment they took out, and then they finally threw out all of your commandments which destroyed 100% of your country. Your country destroyed itself from within.
You cannot survive as a country living on satan’s rules. You must live by God’s rules or you will be no more. The Roman empire and every country in the history of the world fell the same way. Without God, you will have no country. I and My Mother have been telling you this for years but you will not listen. Now satan will take you down because of your sins, America. I, God the Father repeat, “WITHOUT GOD THERE IS NO COUNTRY!” I repeat it in the name of God the Father, “WITHOUT GOD THERE IS NO COUNTRY!. I repeat it in the name of God the Son, “WITHOUT GOD THERE IS NO COUNTRY!” And I repeat it in the name of God the Holy Spirit, “WITHOUT GOD THERE IS NO COUNTRY!”
Put God back into everything and there is a small chance that your country could survive but it would have to be NOW! There is no time left. You have to stand up for God and run satan from your country, your government, and your churches. This is your simple answer, America, and all the world. Love, the Father of All Creation. Amen. So be it.