Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Come Holy Spirit and St. Michael with protection as the Blessed Mother speaks

My love, My beautiful one and all My most beloved children that My God and yours gave to Me as He died on the cross. Yes, My love, it was I your Mother speaking to you as you woke up this morning. I was speaking with all the love and grace that you were receiving when you went through your honeymoon phase in your spiritual life when you were reborn anew from your spiritual Mother from My womb into My spiritual world and were taken away from the physical world to start working for your God and Mine.
I ask all My children to give their free will to Me, their real spiritual Mother so I can take you in and through Me to My Son who was born in My womb on earth. Yes, I was chosen to be the Mother of all the children of the earth when God the Father made them within Himself at the beginning of the world. Then God put each of His beloved children in the womb of their mother on earth at the time He needed them to fulfill the mission He had for them in their life at the time they were needed to fulfill their piece of the puzzle in His creation. All of God’s children are needed to fulfill the plan of creation from the beginning to the end of time. All of God’s children knew each other from the beginning to the end of time. They were all made within God the Father in the beginning to be used for a special job in the world at a certain time in the history of the world.
My children do not think that God loves any one of you more or less than the other. You are all needed from the greatest to the least of you as far as the world sees it. In the same way, no one is better or worse than the other in the eyes of their God and Mine, your spiritual Mother. Do not look down or condemn any of your brothers and sisters; in My God’s and your God’s eyes, you are all created in His likeness and image. You “each” are a different part of His likeness and image. It takes all of the people of the world that ever was or ever will be to fulfill the full picture of our God. Jesus, My beloved Son was the only one to be made into God the Father’s full image, who God asked to give up His life for all of us to save our souls and suffer all the crosses of all of us so we would have the strength to carry our little cross when it was our time to help Jesus carry them.
My children, you are all just little pieces of the whole puzzle that make up the whole picture of My Son, Jesus. You are now living in the end of this era of time and the remnant children who said ‘yes’ to their role in life are carrying all My children who do not want to say ‘yes’ to God’s role for them in their life. These are the children who are living the Warning before the Warning for all those listening. The time has now come when My suffering servants will find peace and joy and the ones who are not listening to their God will continue to suffer even more each day. My remnant children will be there to carry them through their suffering with all of Heaven to the final end of this era of time and the one thousand years of peace when satan and all his demons will be locked in hell except for a short time after the thousand years of time when they will be unleashed again and then it will be the final end of the world as is spoken of in Revelations. Your loving Mother with all Her spiritual children to be within Her as their real spiritual Mother. Love, Mom.