Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, St. Michael and all the Saints and Angels in Heaven for Protection of God the Father’s Words

My beloved son this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. I come to tell you that I am very happy with you and all My children that are doing My work. I am showing many of My children the divine inspirations from Heaven that no other generations were given. This is because we are in the most evil generation that has ever walked the earth that has been given the most good news about your God. Satan is becoming worse each day because My children are giving all their power that I, God, have given them and are using it for sin and giving it to satan instead of using it for grace and saving your souls and the souls of others.
I have told you many times, My son, that there is no sickness if there is no sin. Sickness comes from the sins of My children when they disobey My Ten Commandments. When Adam and Even were first in the Garden of Eden, or Paradise, they were totally happy and healthy for many years until they decided to eat of the forbidden tree of death that I told them not to eat from. As soon as they ate of the forbidden tree they could then see not only just good anymore, but they could see bad and sickness and sin. Then they had to be cast out of the Garden of Eden because they were not pure anymore and their eyes were open to evil. This was the first evil that came to the human race. This is how sin and sickness started.
If people would live within the Ten Commandments of their God there would not be much sickness or sin and all children would be healthy and happy. My children if you want to know why you are sick and unhappy, this is the reason. As I told My son before, when you start taking the Ten Commandments out of the world and out of America, you lose ten percent of everything good in your country with the loss of each commandment. You now have let satan and your government leaders strip you of all commandments and you have lost all the good that your country fought and was founded on by George Washington.
I have given many messages from Heaven to My prophets so you could change but because of your hardness of heart you refuse except for a small remnant of My Blessed Mother’s army. The only thing left is to chastise America and the world.
I have given many graces to help people set up refuges in the world and these will be the only places you will be protected from the evil one world government. For all My children who wish to be saved and get through the Warning you will have to leave everything and move to the protected areas that your God has set up with His faithful children. This time is here and it is happening this very day.
Prepare your souls and your bodies for the biggest battle in the history of the world. Your God is the winner. Are you on your God’s side? I hope and pray so for My children. Love the Father of Heaven and earth and all that ever was or will be. Love, Father.