Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Come Holy Trinity, all of Heaven, and St. Michael to guide God’s words to His Son

My beloved son this is your Jesus of love and mercy. I know all My children are suffering much now, the ones who do not love Me and the ones who love Me. They are all Our children and We love them all the same.
Your God and all of Heaven is all love and all just. We love you when you sin and We love you when you do not sin, but We hate sin and not the person who sins. We are ready to forgive all Our children as soon as you ask forgiveness for your sins. We do not condemn you for your sins, you condemn yourself for your sins only when you do not ask forgiveness and go to Confession, or if not Catholic , to God with a forgiving heart.
My children please ask forgiveness NOW with a forgiving heart. We do not want to lose any one of Our children. Your God is all forgiving and all just. We do not condemn you, you condemn yourself with the hardness of your heart. Just ask for forgiveness with a forgiving heart, your Jesus is waiting for you. Your Jesus of Divine Mercy. Love, Jesus.