Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Come Holy Spirit with God’s words and St. Michael as protector

My most beloved son this is your God and the God of all the children of the earth. I give these words to you to confirm all the other messages that I have given out to all My chosen prophets. Your country is now living without My full grace because I have withdrawn from such a sinful nation that has been given more graces than any other country in the world.
The same sex union (which is not a marriage) was the last straw that broke the camel’s back or your nation’s back. You know how a person is with a broken back, they are not able to do much for themselves. Your nation will be the same.
Do not expect another 4th of July under freedom. Your freedom has been signed away under your communist leader and now will be forced upon your nation. Less than 10% of your nation is standing up for your God. These 10% cannot carry the load of your nation any longer so I have no choice other than to let satan be your king because you no more wanted your God to lead your nation. It is just like in the past when they wanted a new king. Your new king will take you into the slavery you wanted.
I will still bless anyone who comes to me with their hearts, minds, and souls and begs forgiveness. I have been begging you to ask forgiveness for years, but you said ‘no’ and killed billions of My children.
Be ready My children for satan is now your new king. Expect total disaster for satan is a liar, a thief, and a murderer. Pray, pray, pray for you are entering My justice. All My people that go to My refuges will be protected and will be cared for. Each of you listen closely for the call and go when your guardian angel tells you to go. The Warning will come soon so all My children will understand the whole truth.
I will not condemn anyone. You will each have to make that choice after I give you the Warning. Your loving God to His stubborn children who had to have it their way. I bless all of you in the name of God the Father, in the name of God the Son, and in the name of God the Holy Spirit. Thanks for writing My son. See you soon.