Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with protection of God’s words

“My beloved son this is your beloved Mother.”
Thank your God and Mine, Mary, for the good weather and getting me well again. I was beginning to wonder if I would get better, but with all the prayers and blessings from our friends in Heaven and on earth and all the Masses said for our family, I have felt better the last three or four days than in a long time. Thanks to everyone who prayed and helped!
“My son, I do wish to speak. As I have told you there would be a hard weather pattern for awhile and then a let-up and some good days and then some hard times again. Be ready and prepared for some hard times again. Thanks for all the prayers from all My children. This is all that is going to lessen all that is happening in the world. It is very hard for many people throughout the world. There is much suffering by many people right now and it is going to get worse each day as My Son has told you and many, many others. As I told you in the last message there is no more to be said. My Father gave all the warnings to you that He is going to give to you. Tell the people to read all the material that has already been given. I will talk to My children personally now. There will be few major messages given to you anymore. You will be busy teaching the ones that I put in your path. Also, much prayer is needed for all My remnant children. Get rest and be at peace for a few days and pray and get your body and mind back to good health from the long trials and sickness you went through. There will be much need for some healthy people now to help all the ones that are starting to go through all the suffering that a lot of our remnant children have been going through for years. My Son and I told you years ago that when the rest of the world started suffering for their sins, My remnant children would have been through most of their suffering. I have told you that the Warning has been taking place for years for the ones listening. My son, I told you it was the Warning before the Warning for all those listening. Now, the ones that did not want to listen will receive their main warning that you and the remnants are about through. All of your jobs will be to teach and help the suffering and the lukewarm back to the path to Heaven. It will be a quick and very hard journey for all the ones who would not listen. That is all My son. Pray, be cheerful to all the sick and suffering. Love, Mother Mary to all Her children. “