Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
A Birthday Message for the Whole World From the Blessed Mother

It is I Mary your Mother speaking to you. I want to write to all My children for Christmas. This was the highlight of My life when Jesus was born. You know My sons and daughters when one of your children is born how much of a joy it is to see their little face and body. They look so little and you can hold some of them in your one hand.
We were sent to the world to be children of God and the fathers and mothers of all of God’s children. Some of us are spiritual mothers and fathers to many children and some of us are physical and spiritual mothers and fathers to many children. We are all mothers and fathers to someone if we grow older in our life on earth. We all have many spiritual brothers and sisters that we are close to that we treat like a loving sister or a brother. Most of us have physical brothers and sisters. Can you not see My children how we are all tied together as One Body in Christ? Christ as the head and each of you as His children. This is why we send so many graces down to Our beloved children, to help them save their souls. You will never understand how deep the love of God and I, Mary, have for each of you no matter what you do in life. We love each one of you the same with all Our love. We are united with each one of you in heart, mind, and soul. Our most intimate desire is for each of you to love us back in the same way. To each of you who Our darlings and sweethearts and beloved friends, We would give up our lives for any one of you each and every day if that was possible. That is why Jesus died on the Cross for each of you and He does it over and over at every Mass. I gave up My life spiritually when He died physically. By dying of self of all the worldly ways and live just as God asked Me to live. I wish that all My children would die of self and live for their God of Heaven and earth. My children I just wanted to tell you each personally how much I love you. I will send a blessing this Christmas from God bigger and greater than ever was given at Christmas since the world began. This is your loving Mother with a love you have never experienced. Love, Mom.