Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with protection of God’s words

My most beloved son, I love you and all of My beloved children most dearly. My children are always confused over God’s words from Heaven. I’m going to explain some things to help them understand God’s ways better. God and all of Heaven always speak in the spirit and not in the flesh. When He speaks of time it is always within the church year, not the calendar year. Everything spoken in spirit is counterclockwise of the world’s ways. This is why it is hard to understand. God’s ways are counterclockwise because He is always fighting against the ways of the world and the ways of satan.
Any battle that is fought is first fought between Heaven and earth just before it can get down to earth. It is just like when satan thought he could take over Heaven and he fought the good angels and was cast down to earth and into the middle of the earth where hell is. Now satan is fighting a battle between Heaven and hell, which is earth where all of God’s children live. It is another battle just like the one in Heaven that he thought he would win but God said ‘NO’ when He came down from Heaven with His Mother Mary to save His children on earth and take earth back.
The people of earth keep giving satan another chance by their free will by sinning. They keep going against God’s Ten Commandments and their sin gives satan the power to torment and destroy God’s children. This goes on over and over, time after time. My children can you not see that your free will is used wrong? If used wrong it gives satan the power to torment you and make you suffer because it ties God’s hands. Then after you suffer so long, you cry to God like you would call on your own father to bail you out of your own mess. Then God comes as soon as you beg Him to come back and ask His forgiveness and tell Him you are sorry and He fills you back up with graces and makes you well again.
Then things get easy and people stop praying again and get back down again and never learn the lesson.
My children, you have got to start passing the first grade, then the second grade, and then the rest of the grades until you get strong enough in Christ to keep fighting your own battles with God’s grace and get away from the mortal and deadly sins and the temptations that lead you to them.
Everything on earth moves in two directions. If you want to follow God you have got to keep a hold of God’s right hand. This way you will not get lost. You need to go to church on Sundays and rest and pray for strength for the rest of the week or you will fall. You need to read the Bible and learn God’s Word and the church teachings or you will keep falling and going down the wrong road. Remember that the spiritual world is just the opposite of the worldly world and the world’s ways. God’s ways have order and a chain of command, the commandments to follow. You move from one step to another through your life. The world tries to teach you their chain of command but it is just backwards because most people live through satan not God. As an example, take a pyramid and stand it on the ground with two points down for the foundation on the ground and one point up for the hill to climb to God or Heaven. That’s God’s pyramid. Now take a pyramid and stick one point into the ground and start climbing up on the inside with nothing to hold onto. That is satan’s pyramid. You can try all you want and you will keep digging a bigger hole at the bottom until you fall or dig yourself down to hell. This is your Jesus of love and mercy. Please start on a good foundation so you can be in Heaven with Us. Do not try to always do everything the easy way without any foundation. It always ends up back where you started and you are in a worse and lower position. Love, Jesus.