Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, December 6, 2014
First Saturday
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, St. Michael, St. Norbert, & St. Pius X to protect and guard My God’s words to His son

My love, My beautiful one, and all My beloved children I am your Mother. Call on Me and I will answer you and all your problems. Call on Our graces and they will be given for the salvation of all Our children. My Son, Jesus, and I, your Mother from Heaven, have been talking to you for about three hours. I will try to teach My children with simple words that you can write.
Satan has always been trying to take over the Catholic Church but in 1917, your Mother had to send a warning to the Fatima children because Russia and the Masons were setting up a plan to destroy the church in America and the whole world. They knew that America could not be taken down without controlling the Catholic Church so they started to infiltrate the Catholic Church with liberal teaching. When Vatican II happened they had already infiltrated the Vatican and had a lot of control in Rome.
After Vatican II the liberal bishops and cardinals started putting liberal teaching in the seminaries. They would not let the rosary be a main part with the Mass. As you know in the early 60’s, your brother and two of your brother-in-laws went to be priests and they were from very holy families and parents. All three of them and many others dropped out and others became priests and then dropped out. Many of them were told (by their spiritual advisors and families) to stay in the seminary and then teach the truth when they became priests. Some were strong enough with much prayer from their families.
Then after Vatican II some of the liberal priests started stripping the churches of the statues and moving the tabernacle from the front and center to many other locations. This was the fall of the first physical thing that the Catholics started to see. Many good Catholics fought back and many older priests did not let anyone change the church building.
Then they told the people that the Latin Mass was going to be taken away and replaced with a Mass that all people could understand and this was the next step in liberalizing the church to fit the new sinfulness of the people. Then the rosary was not even accepted in a lot of churches, and you My son went to other churches for prayer groups that still believed in the rosary.
The reason the Masons wanted to do away with the Latin Mass was because it was universal where anyone that was Catholic could go anywhere in the world. The Masons knew that after they changed it to any language they could change the Mass to anything they wanted. When you go from one language to another the words are not the same so little by little they liberalized the Mass. The Masons did not want to stop the Mass at that time, they just wanted to start controlling the people’s minds and their way of thinking to liberalize them a little at a time like the story of putting a frog in the cooking pan and turning the heat on and then turning it up a little at a time until it killed the frog. This is what they are doing in the church. This is why I appeared to the Fatima children because I knew what was happening and that communism was starting to spread throughout the whole world. If the Pope and bishops would have consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we could have stopped it from Heaven, but Heaven is obedient to the free will of the people and We cannot act if the prophets We choose do not do their job. Some of the prophets of the past few years did not do their job and that is why there are few priests today in the physical church and the physical church is suffering greatly and so are all the people. But that time has passed as My Son has told you.
The next step is the Warning that My Son told you about yesterday and then the rest of the tribulation and purification of My children. Then the fulfillment of this era of time and the Era of Peace into a new beginning just like after Noah and the Ark, but satan will be crushed by the heel of My foot and cast back into hell for the thousand years of peace.
My son, I hope this helps My children understand a little about how satan has deceived them and My God and yours is going to save most of the souls who will still listen. Your loving Mother. Please pray for all My children, but especially all the faithful who are carrying this battle on their shoulders at this time when so few are praying and listening.