Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family with your words only with St. Michael as guard and protector

This is your Jesus of love and mercy. Thanks, My son and children who are trying to save My lost sheep. They are lost in the wilderness and do not know what to do. They have been listening to the wolf in sheep’s clothing and he has got them totally lost in the world. They do not even know which direction Heaven is, many of them. He has taught them all the desires of the flesh and many of My children have tried all of them and still are not satisfied and are looking for something of truth.
Our remnant children who know their God have to teach all My lost children and bring them back to their true God as soon as I, your God, illuminate their conscience in the Warning by showing them Heaven, purgatory, and hell, wherever they would go if they died at this moment. There will be little time after the Warning and satan will be trying to lead them back to him again and many will die. As I have told you in Revelations, two thirds of the people will die from natural disasters, and the one world people killing them in wars and manmade devices created by men just for the sake of getting rid of My children.
My children, none of this is fake. It is all here and it is now. You have already lost the spiritual war and now the real physical war is happening in your midst. I have told My son that something would happen before his birthday and it has passed and the spiritual war has been lost and satan now has the reign of all the earth to do what I permit him to do, to chastise the children of the earth except My chosen ones who have been faithful to their God. They will be protected and sent to the refuges who have been chosen and are listening to the Warning of their God. Some will choose to fight physically and die as instant martyrs and go straight to Heaven. Some will not go to the refuges and will be taken to concentration camps and be killed or used as slaves as long as the one world them to abuse and use them. Many will be killed in the natural disasters and the wars.
I have warned you months ago that We were in the last second of God’s time and now it has run out. Expect the Warning within the next few days (in God’s time because God alone knows the exact moment). Prepare your souls now before the Warning because it will be hard to find a priest after the Warning. It will be hard to find about anything without selling your souls to satan with the mark of the beast and lose your souls.
This is all for now, My son, and We are sorry so few are listening. All of Heaven is sick of all the sinning of the world, but the New Era of Peace is very close when everyone on earth will be in total joy and happiness like the Garden of Paradise before Adam and Eve sinned. The New Garden of Paradise that I and My Mother, Mary, came to fulfill is just around the corner. Love, Jesus, with all of Heaven. Do not worry, just repent of your sins and pray, and pray, and pray, especially My Mother’s rosary every day, many times. Amen.