Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with all of Heaven to guard and protect God’s son and His words to him

My most beloved son I have told you many things today about your country and the one world government. I have told you that your leader is the most evil that has ever run your country. He would make Hitler look good if people knew all he has done to America. He has totally signed America over to the one world people. He is just waiting for the time that is set to collapse the dollar and send America into total turmoil. The Communists said they would take over America without firing a shot. They do not want to destroy America because they already own it and they are already building power plants in the west and selling electric back to America to pay for part of the debt that America owes them.
As Mary My Mother told the Fatima children, if Russia was not consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her Son, Jesus, that communism would spread throughout the whole world. It was not done when it should have been done by the Pope and bishops. Now, communism has spread throughout the whole world. Some of the good popes tried to consecrate it back, but the bishops were already being controlled by the Masons and the one world government and it could not be done successfully in time. Now America is living in communism and their leadership is communistic. What do My children think that communism is? It is doing whatever you want with your body and your neighbor and living totally for self and gratification of the flesh. This all started after Vatican II when Russia sent men from communist countries into the priesthood to take leadership in future years. You are now living that time. That is why My Mother came back in 1917 at Fatima to the Fatima children because She knew what was going to happen if people were not warned. Because your church leadership was afraid to consecrate Russia because of what they might do or say, it was not done in time. From that time your church went downhill until you got to where you are today.
The only thing left for America is to pray, pray, and pray for the salvation of more souls and the lessening of the chastisements and suffering that will affect the whole world. The people have chosen this by all the sins of the flesh because they become just like their enemy in sin and evil. This is God the Father with all that can be said. Love, love, and more love to a sinful and stubborn generation. All the past is over and finished. Pray, pray, and pray because your soul is all that matters in the end. You are in Revelations and the world is about to end this era of time so prepare your souls for the Era of Peace or Heaven, whatever comes next for you. Do not look back, look forward to joy and peace with a clean soul. The refuges will be protected from land, sea, and sky for all who consecrate them to God the Father and all of Heaven. The Warning is about to touch your earth and reveal how sinful most people really are. Repent now before it is too late for some. Amen.