Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael and all of Your warring angels to protect and guard God’s son

My most beloved son and children, the elections pleased Your God much. This shows Your God that some of My children, at least, see that their government is totally corrupt and want to try and change it. My children, you are now starting to see the problem and want to change it, but the answer is 1st, you’ve got to come to Your God and ask forgiveness for your own sins and then come to Your God and ask forgiveness for the sins of your brothers and sisters; then, you have to stop sinning yourself and then help your brothers and sisters from sinning.
I am going to tell you how you can help your country in a short time and still have a chance to keep from being taken over by the one world government.
1. Go to church every Sunday and do not work on Sunday and shut down all businesses.
2. Put the Ten Commandments back in all public places for all My children to see, then live them and read them often
3. Then, stop killing My children in the womb before they are born
4. Do not act like same sex relationships have anything to do with marriage because it is straight from satan and an abomination to God and destroys anyone’s lives who come in contact with it
You must fight against all these things with all your strength. Love the sinner but fight the sin before it destroys everything you have. All these things I just said is satan at his strongest.
Get the truth of God back into your schools and churches and throw out all the new age garbage and communism. The first two are God’s laws, the second two are satan’s garbage. This is one of the last chances to not lose your country to the one world government and it has to happen this year, but you will still suffer severely for all your sins. Your Jesus is giving your people the last chance to save something.
Do you know that the Statue of Liberty was really the Blessed Mother of Jesus standing holding the chalice and the blood of Jesus in Her hand to protect your country until you threw the Ten Commandments out the window and invited satan in to take over your country? Look and see what satan did to your once holy nation and turned it into a den of thieves. A truth from God the Father through His son, Jesus Christ. Amen.