Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, St. Michael and all of Heaven with your protection of God’s words to His children

These words are not of man, they are straight from your God.
Prayer from Jesus for protection of property, homes, body and soul, and everything we eat, drink, breath or touch.
Oh, Divine and Eternal Father through the Most Precious Blood of your Divine Son, Jesus, we ask You to remove anything that is not from You that is in our food, our water, our air, the medicines in this household, our bodies and souls, the buildings and houses where we live, and the property around us and replace it with the pureness that was in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and we give You thanks for this blessing, Amen.
My most beloved son and children you now have to listen to your God closely because the one world people are putting all kinds of diseases and poisons in the jet streams, the chemtrails, and also many manmade diseases in your food. Manmade diseases can only be cured by natural medicines. Ebola and Aids were created in laboratories to kill off God’s children and lessen the population. Do not take any flu shots, Ebola shots, or chips in the body or any kind of shot that is promoted by the government or mandated in an order for no reason. It is a setup to kill many people and further spread these diseases quickly around the world. Do not believe anything that the government tells you because it is now run by satan himself.
Please say the above prayer daily because they are putting contamination in all foods and all crops that are grown commercially by most people. Plant only natural heirloom crops and not genetically modified crops with all the chemicals and bug controls in them. This is all poison and will destroy your immune system, cause cancer, and many other diseases to the body. Biotic silver refined in small particles is one of the best cures for many of these diseases. Search natural medicines on the Internet to see what is good to help cure you. Say the prayer from God for protection three times a day for protection, once in honor of God the Father, once in honor of God the Son, and once in honor of God the Holy Spirit. Thanks, God for your warning and protection.