Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Message from God the Father
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, & St. Michael and all of Heaven to protect God’s son with His true words

This is God the Father who is all loving and all just. My beloved remnant children, I am sorry you have to listen to all the blasphemy of your God. I have come to overthrow the money tables once again and throw it on the ground and run all the evil people out of My temples and churches. The evil people are at their evilest in the history of the world. I told you to bless yourself with exorcism holy water before you write this because it is necessary. My children are pushing same sex relationships on My good children and trying to act like it is a marriage. This is satan at his worst. They are now living way below animal level. It would be less of an evil to want to marry an animal than to think that two people of the same sex could marry each other. Marriage is one of My most beautiful sacraments and people are trying to act like it is a sacrament. Woe to anyone who would call this a marriage because they will be in hell for all eternity if they do not repent soon before the Warning so they will have a chance to ask forgiveness during the Warning. This is one of My most sacred sacraments for the creation of My beloved children that I your God brings into the world. My most beloved Pope John Paul II wrote the Theology of the Body and the Beauty of Marriage in the Marriage Act and Christopher West put it into language that My children could understand.
Your leaders have now gone into the lowest level they can go without falling into the pit of hell for all eternity. Your last chance to be saved for the wicked is the Warning which is just around the corner. I am a loving God but you have tested My patience to the limit for I will not let the wicked people test My holy remnant any longer. Your country, America, will now fall hard just like the old Roman Empire and the majority will die so be ready to repent or fall into the fires of hell forever. This IS your God in a very serious message. How can My beautiful children live much worse than animals live; they listen to their instincts but My children listen to nothing but satan and fallen angels. The fallen angels bring all this evil to My children. My beautiful children could never have come up with all this evil without listening to satan himself and the fallen angels. Now, start listening to your God and repent and ask forgiveness. I will show you what real peace and love is from the God who made you. I love each of My children dearly and will do anything I can to save My children, but you have to repent and give Me your permission and free will to help you. My children I am not joking.
The next move of satan is to destroy all your Masses by the one world government and all the religions on the face of the earth. I will not let this happen but the real Mass will have to go underground and back into the home because most churches will be abandoned to the antichrist and new age. There will be a few churches that stand up for their God and become refuges and be protected from land, sea, and sky with a circle of angels around them to protect them. My children I have said all I can say so be ready to see things that you never thought you would see in America. This has been planned by satan for many years and do not fall into his traps. But, the good news is I, your God, am here on earth to bail you out and take you into the New Era of Peace. So, come to Me and My Mother and all of Heaven and take Our hands for satan is nothing next to God and Heaven. He is only a speck of sand next to a whole ocean compared to your God of love and mercy and satan is all hell and suffering. I your God is all love and mercy and just. Do not worry, just come to Me and I and My Mother will hold and protect you like a good mother holds and feeds her little baby. This is the kind of love We have for each of Our children. This is enough for now. Love and peace of God is about to wipe out all of satan’s evil in the world. Come take Our hands and our hearts and give your God your hand and heart and all will be peaceful even in the turmoil of this world. Love, love and more love from all of Heaven. Ended at 3:02 am.
Message continued at 5:30 am: Do not fear the enemy satan and his demons. God made them. God is the maker of all. God is in control of all those who give their life to Him. Do not fear, My children, of anything except for the life of your soul. Do not worry about money or material things for they will be gone soon. Just pray, pray, and pray and give your soul to God who made you and loves you. He is the only one who can give you peace even in turmoil. Trust Me, My children and come to Me for I am all love and grace for those who love Me. Satan is all hell for all those who turn away from Me and the truth. I always was and always will be and always remains the same. Satan twists and turns and changes all the time just like a snake to keep you confused and tormented. Stop listening to him and come to your God and Savior who made you. Listen to the truth and do not believe or pay attention to all the lies of satan and your world. The church is even twisting the truth now because it has been entered and is being controlled by satan himself. Listen only to the old holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, the old bibles, and the Catechism of St. John Paul II and the messages that are being given to My remnant children. This is the truth that will set you free. Do not pay any attention to anything that is coming out in the news today because it is all twisted and not truth. Your loving God who cannot stand listening to the filth of the world any longer. Come to Me now, please. I love all of you and would not be speaking to so many of My prophets of today but some are true and some are false. Please discern and listen to common sense and small people not the great leaders or any government. God the Father. Amen. Amen.