Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with all of Heaven to guard the words from God to His son

My most beloved son, this is your God of love and mercy sitting beside you with My hand on your shoulder. I come to speak to you about some of the hard times that all My children will be going through any day now in My time and yours. I want to tell My children to make sure they have much water stored and much food. Get very simple food like beans and rice, just something that will put something in your stomach. That is why water is so important. You will not be working as hard so you will not need a lot of food. Have your prayer book and bible with you, and your personal needs ready for going to the refuge. Just think of the things that are most important to just survive not any extra junk that you can get along without. Warm clothing will be a must because you will not be in a place that has a lot of heat, if any, things to wash and clean your body for at first there will be little of anything until you get to the refuge and get better and more buildings built. Buildings will have to be built to be multiplied by the people there with the help of their guardian angels. Look back about 2 or 3 generations before they had electric and plan to live in that era of time about 75-80 years ago. There will be very few places to get anything when the electric goes out and transportation is stopped or slowed down. It will be all waiting and praying to get some kind of help. I am just giving you a few ideas how to plan for the future.
Do not plan to have anything you just want, just get things that you need to survive. Think more like the Indians and the first settlers that came to your country—the way they lived; tents, shovels, cans to carry water, saws, cooking pots for wood fires. If you are a camper you can teach others how you live, what is necessary. You will all help the others with what little you all have. It will be shared as if everyone owns it together. It will be multiplied if it is something needed to raise food or get water or anything that is necessary for survival. You will all be healed at the refuge when you look at the luminous cross in the sky if you believe and trust in your God. This will make it much easier for you to live when in good health, but it will take awhile for a lot of this to take place because everyone will be coming to the refuges at different times depending on how far they live and depending on if they listened as soon as they were told to leave. Some will not want to leave their homes and then decide to leave later when they are about to be run out by the one world government. They will suffer much more than the ones obedient when called to leave when there is still some time left. My children this will make little sense to some who have not been listening and some will understand it completely. Keep teaching My children who do not want to listen for they will need to learn whether they want to or not. Just be patient with each other and do not push and demand, just pray for them and set the example. This is all My son, My Mother will speak.
My beloved children please pray and listen closely because this is already happening in many places in the world and also in your country. The news media does not carry anything that is important to the people. They just carry things that will carry out satan’s plans and a scare tactic to take over God’s children and get rid of them. Pay little attention to anyone from the state or federal government, just listen to people you know and trust and some on local levels. Listen to your guardian angel and all of Heaven because they will guarding everyone that will listen. Love, Mother.