Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, August 22, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael to guide each word from God the Father, Adoration Chapel
Another Critical Warning Message from God the Father

My most beloved son this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. The times are here and the Warning is in your midst. The wars are at your doorsteps and the weather is out of control because of the HAARP machine. You are about to taste some of My justice. Yes, America, you are about to be tested to the limit as the Roman Empire was. America you are about to fall. You will fall physically because you did not win the spiritual battle against satan, which is first. If you do not fight against satan and all the demons and let your country do anything it wants in any way it wants you will lose the spiritual battle and then go into the physical battle so be ready and get your souls in order. This is a command from your General for the great war is about to begin on your land this time. You have given up the rights of your country because of laziness, sex, homosexuality, living together like animals, but much worse, greed, power, money, and living to please yourself, and not caring for your neighbor, not following the Ten Commandments but following satan’s ten commandments of filth and living in a dump within yourself.
This message is for all My children who are not listening. Those who will go through the Warning with ease are few compared to the majority of My people. Most of your leaders in every field are corrupt and working directly for satan or self. I have been giving extra graces to some for years just so there would be a remnant left to help salvage the rest. My remnant is tired and worn out from all the work and sacrifice for years and most are getting near to the end of their life. It must happen now to save the most of My children. If everyone died today, more than half of My children would go straight to hell if I judged them for the way they lived. But because of My remnant who have suffered, and prayed, and begged for souls many of them would go to the bottom of purgatory until the end of time but be saved. My beloved babies who have been aborted are crying for justice in the world because these are the ones who would have saved many souls from hell. They are praying for their parents but they must ask forgiveness and repent of their sins to be saved.
The Warning is about to hit every soul on the face of the earth and this will be the biggest blessing and graces that have ever been given to a generation of people since the world began. This will be the last hope for many to save their souls. I will show you your soul and where you would go the moment you died, Heaven, purgatory, or hell and you will feel the pains or joys of where you would go. You must turn your life around and repent of your sins and ask your God to save you and repent of your sins from your heart and start living the Ten Commandments of God, not satan and with the help of My remnant children you will be saved but the choice is yours because I am a God who gives free will to every person to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to Heaven.
The people writing and getting these messages out, I have been training for many years. This spiritual job is the hardest job in the world. You must listen to your God only because you are facing an enemy that is invisible and the most dangerous and most evil fallen angels in the universe. They will do anything possible to take your soul to hell. Your only blessing is that your God is in control and more powerful than all of them together. I protect all My children and I try to save their souls as long as they do not sell their souls directly to satan. If they do, they cannot gain grace any longer except through one of My remnant children who keeps praying for their souls to get them back out of satan’s pit on earth. If they do not respond to the prayers and graces from others and from God they will lose their soul in hell for all eternity. I am a God of total love and so I have to be a God of total justice. I want every soul in Heaven with Me and I will do anything I can to save souls but you have the free will to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to Me. Do not ever think you are too evil for Me to save no matter what you have done because I can forgive the greatest of sinners for just a ‘yes’ to Me from their heart. I died on the cross for the sinner and not the saint. I would do it over and over again for just one more soul. Do not ever think that life is just a game to play to see who wins. It is a matter of life or death to the soul for all eternity for every soul.
I your God give life to everyone who reads this hard message. Please choose life in Heaven and not death to the soul in hell. I had twelve apostles on earth and I even lost one of them to hell and all he would have had to say to his God was ‘forgive me’ and he would be with Me in Heaven today. I had two thieves on the cross next to Me, one of the right and one on the left. The one on the right asked forgiveness, the one on the left was too full of pride to say ‘Forgive me, Jesus.” and he is in hell today. I am all love and I am all justice, but the choice is yours. Remember this when you are in the Warning. Love, the Father of All. Amen.