Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, June 27, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and the Holy Family

My love My beautiful one, I love you with all My heart as you love Me. I love the children of the world with all My heart, and I wish they would love Me with all of their hearts. My Son loves every soul on earth with all His heart and He wishes that every soul on earth would love Him back with all their hearts. My son, this is the feast day of the Most Sacred Heart of My Son who shed all His blood and suffered a cruel death to save all souls. He opened Heaven back up for all to enter. I thank and love My beloved Son dearly for choosing Me and My husband, Joseph. Joseph and I suffered our whole lives because of the great blessing to us and to all of mankind. This is a special day in the history of the world to Me, Jesus’ Mother. The times that I lived and the time that you are living in are about the same type of time that the world was in then. My life and Jesus’ life was lived just about the same for the people then as it is for the people now. The people then were looking for a Savior for the world and now the people are now looking and waiting for His second coming.
The time that I had to wait then is about the same amount of time when I waited until His death as you have been waiting for the second coming. Your life was totally changed in 1983 when you hit bottom because of the drought that destroyed about all your crops and you hit the low point of your life. Now your life is coming to a point that you can see and hear from Heaven that the greatest tribulation ever on the face of the earth is here and you know that Jesus’ second coming is not far off. I have told you that We from Heaven will give you what’s going to happen before it happens so that the remnant people will be ready to help all the ones who are not preparing for the second coming. I told you yesterday what the next big steps would be and how to prepare for them. Do not doubt Our real God for He is all truth and He does not deceive Our children like satan. I told you that I and My Son would send you help and money to do whatever we want of you. And for the last 31 years We have protected you from satan and all the evil demons and protected your family and have sent you everything you needed, financially and physically, which was many beautiful and holy people that represented the Holy Family. Do not think for one minute that it will not remain the same for you and all My children who are listening to help save the ones who are not listening. Your Loving Mother on the Feast Day of My Beloved God and Son, Jesus. Love, Mother Mary. Happy Feast Day of My Son.