Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, With Your Words Only

My most beloved son, I love you dearly and all My children. This is your Sweet Jesus of Love and Mercy. My son, pray that all My children start listening and receive My love and mercy. I have love and mercy for every one of My children, they just have to ask for forgiveness and be sincere with a pure heart and I will give them all the mercy they need.
My children are afraid to ask Me for help because of their sins. I am an ALL LOVING God. I do not judge anyone. You, all My children judge yourselves by the way you live and act. I will forgive you a million times over for ANY sins if you come to Me with a sincere and open heart as many times as you sin. Please make this Lent the best Lent of your life and give yourselves back to Me, your God, if you are living in mortal or deadly sin. If Catholic, please get on your knees and look up towards Heaven and ask My forgiveness with an open heart. And then go to one of My priests and confess your sins the best you can, make an Act of Contrition, and then say the penance the priest gives you. If not Catholic, go to your preacher or come straight to Me, your God, and ask forgiveness and make an Act of Contrition or sorrow and do some kind of penance and good deed for someone.
My children, I want you back NOW before the Warning comes so it will be much easier for all of you to repent for your sins. All of My children are sinners but you have to admit that you are a sinner before I can forgive your sins. You all know in your heart that you are sinners but you do not want to give up your sins and start living for God and your brothers and sisters.
Please just do one thing for Me, your God, if you cannot do anything else, just say “Jesus I love you. Please help me to become a better person so I can be with You in Heaven some day.” This is all. My Mother will speak.
This is Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the Mother of all God’s children. I come to all My children with a Mother’s love, and ask you to love your Mother, and I will take your hand and take you to My son and help you to get to know Jesus better. I love all My children that Jesus gave me on the cross and I will do anything possible to get them to Heaven with Us for all eternity. Please come to Me, Jesus’ Mother, if you can’t go straight to Jesus. I will help you. I love, I love you, I love you, your Spiritual Mother from Heaven. Love, Mom.