Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, March 7, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son and children, I am your God and the God of all the children on the face of the earth. The time of the earth as you know it is running out. You are ready to see suffering and destruction like the world has ever seen. My people say there is no God. My children you are about to witness things that no one would ever believe. My son writing this is writing because of an experience he had over 30 years ago that changed his life for God for the rest of his life. My children when you go into such turmoil that you cannot cope or understand what is going on, there is just one place to scream, and that is to your God who made you.
Keep My name on your lips in a good way and scream to Me when your life is upside down, for I am the only one who can help you. I can save your soul from the pits of hell and take you to the paradise of Heaven just by your asking Me, your God, to forgive you all the sins you have committed against Me, your God, with a forgiving heart. If Catholic, it has to be to one of My priest sons.
There are millions of Catholics who do not go to confession and they can lose their soul by not following the sacraments that were given to save their souls. Do not take lightly the sacraments of the Catholic Church if you are a Catholic. You cannot call yourself a Catholic and not believe in the sacraments and the graces they bring to you. I ask every Catholic to get to confession this Lent. If it has been 50 years or 1 year, your Catholic duty is to go to confession at least one time a year or anytime you commit a mortal sin.
Anyone Catholic needs confession every month to keep in a state of grace and not risk the fires of hell. My son is tired of pleading for his God, and his God is tired of telling His people all the time to ask for God’s forgiveness. The truth is, over half of the Catholics in the world have not been to confession in years, and if your life should end this very day, you would go to hell unless you have many friends praying and suffering for your sins. Then you would go to a deep purgatory where the suffering is like hell for years. My children, We in Heaven are getting tired of begging for the time is short and you must change now. There is no standing on the fence anymore. It is time to beg God from Heaven or go to Hell by your own free will. This is all We can say. Please read the Bible and save your soul. Please read a good religious book as My son is doing. Your Loving Father.
**The book that he just finished was: Revival Or Judgment, Which Will You Choose For Our Country? by Bob Fraley.