Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son, I love you and all My children. Tell My children they need to start to trust more on their God than on the ways of the world. The way of the world has taken you to the depths of sin that has never been expressed on earth since the beginning of time. Sin is at its greatest since the beginning of the world. I have talked about this era that we are in for 2000 years and it is spoken about in Revelations.
My children you are now living Revelation. It is talked about all through the Bible from all the old time prophets. Please start reading the Bible more because this will explain what is happening on earth now at this time. All the messages being given from Heaven, if the messenger is of God, will just confirm the Bible and the teaching on the Catholic Church and the Sacraments. God started the Sacraments at the Last Supper and His death on the Cross to give the Church and His people the graces necessary to live the Ten Commandments and stay in a state of grace here on earth so they can be happy in Heaven some day.
The Sacrament of Confession was given to let people who commit sin to purify their soul again and to get back in sanctifying grace so they are able to receive the fullness of His sacrament again. My children you must go to Confession if Catholic after committing a mortal sin or a deadly sin before you go to Communion again and commit another mortal sin. If Catholic or Christian, you should know what a mortal sin is. A mortal sin is any sin against the Ten Commandments with the knowledge that the sin you commit. You know it is a mortal sin, you decide to do it anyway knowing it is mortal, and you do it anyway with your own free will without the force of any other person forcing you to do it without your consent. It has to be done by you without anyone forcing you through drugs, or their strength, or any means that you have no control over. And if it is a mortal sin, you need to kneel down if Christian or Catholic and ask God’s forgiveness as soon as possible. And if Catholic, you need to go to Confession to a Catholic priest and confess it to the best of your ability and receive absolution. Do your penance with sorrow from your heart, then you can go back to receive Communion again because your soul is clean and pure. It is just like washing a dirty floor. It gets dirtier and dirtier until you scrub and wash the dirt away. Water and soap washes the dirt away from your body. Confession washes the dirt of sin off your soul. My children this message of today is a message of life or death for all My children. This will help you understand what the truth of the Ten Commandments really is. Your Father in Heaven through My Beloved Son, Jesus. Love, Father.