Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Come Holy Trinity with Heaven’s words through the Power of the Holy Spirit

My most beloved son and children, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. My children it is the hour of mercy in My time. Please use this mercy to get your souls back in a state of grace. For many their god is sports. This will only take you as far as hell. Look at all the people who follow the gods of sports, especially on super bowl Sunday. Sunday is the day for God and look how many people will do anything possible to see this game. They will miss Mass and do anything to get to the game and not even think about their religious duties to Me their God.
Your sins have taken a toll on your country. The weather will continue to get worse until it will destroy your economy. The evil one is having a field day, not only in the football game today, but all over your country because so many of My children have sold their souls to satan through abortion, homosexuality, greed, power, lust, lies and the lack of truth which is causing all, all of them. People of today think that if they show love to their neighbors they can commit any and all the sins they want and it does not hurt anyone, and all of the Ten Commandments that are broken not only hurts your neighbor but kills their souls because We are all One Body in Christ. If one sins in a big way it pulls all the others down and they have to carry a bigger load. Do not even think what you do is right if it is not grounded through the Ten Commandments of God. The Ten Commandments are the laws that God set up for the laws of the land and the laws for every person on the face of the earth. If you not living within the Ten Commandments you are living in serious sin and must go to confession if Catholic, or straight to God in Heaven if not, and beg His mercy. If you do not do this you will end up in hell or in a deep level of purgatory.
Anyone who believes in Heaven has to believe in hell and purgatory. There cannot be a Heaven if there is not a hell. And there has to be a purgatory if there is a Heaven and hell. You cannot get to Heaven until every sin is made up for in the purification of your body and soul because God is perfect and you must be purged and purified in purgatory to be able to meet God face to face. Love Jesus. My Mother wants to speak.
My most beloved children, please listen to the Mother of your Jesus. We are begging and trying to teach you why your world is in such a mess and everyone feels this mess. More than the majority of your world is now living in deep sin and God will now take everything that is not good for your body and soul away. Can you not see this is why all the natural disasters and crimes of your world are happening? This is from the sins of the world, not from God. He is just permitting it because of your sins. God does not go against free will. The world has brought all of this upon themselves and tied up Jesus’ hands like on the Cross because they did not want to do the will of the Father. God will not go against your free will because He will not hold you as a slave. Once you sell your soul to satan you are his slave until you go to confession and ask God’s forgiveness and repent before God can then take you back and give you the graces to live back within God’s will. This is enough for now. Love from Mother Mary and all of Heaven.