Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, January 24, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son and children, this is God the Father speaking this message today. My children in America are complaining about the weather and the harsh winter. My Mother and all the saints and angels from Heaven have been protecting and warning your country for years. As I have told you in the past messages that your God from Heaven and Earth who controls everything is sick of the sins of your country. I told you that the graces to America would be withdrawn if the people did not stop abortion and stop living in the sins of the flesh. Who in their right mind could believe that it is right to kill a baby in the womb, the most sacred place on earth next to the Tabernacle? Who could possibly believe that it could be right to want to marry another person of the same sex? You people of America who believe this way have sold your souls to satan and will burn in the fires of hell forever if you do not repent and ask God for forgiveness for your sins before you die. I have given you free will and you have sold your free will to satan to be his slave. All you would have had to do was give your will to your God and you would have been happy with me on earth and in Heaven. The Bible tells you that you cannot have relations with any other person except after the Sacrament of Marriage to someone of the opposite sex. Catholics, read about the Sacraments of the Catholic Church and the Ten Commandments—yes I am repeating past messages because people of American are falling away more every day. The Catholic Church teaches that to be Catholic you must go to Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. It is a mortal sin when you know it is a sin and choose to do it anyway. A mortal sin can take you straight to hell and it stops you from receiving the graces from Heaven from God. My children, hell is forever for all eternity. Please stop and think what this means. Please come to Me in confession if Catholic, or get on your knees and look up to Heaven if Christian and beg My forgiveness as I, your God, am begging you because I love you so much and do not want to lose your souls.
Everything satan teaches is just the opposite of the law of God and the laws of the land in every country. Satan starts you out with all the thrills and sins that make you feel high. Then you go from one thrill to another to get a new high until you are in the most dirty things you can get into. This is why satan starts you out on an upside down triangle. God’s triangle starts you out with a triangle with a large base of stone for the foundation and then it works its way up to the point that represents Heaven at the top. Satan’s triangle starts you out at the high point and then it gets heavier and heavier until all the weight is on the top and then you crumble over into the pit of hell or if you are wise and listen when you crumble and fall and ask and beg God’s forgiveness God will then take you in His loving arms and kiss you and forgive you and heal you and forgive all your sins and take you to Heaven. Please listen My children, for the time is here and is now. We are in the last seconds of the time clock set by Me, God the Father. Over half of the people of America and of the world are living in the pit of hell with satan at this time. I have given you extra time, but that time has ended. This is why the weather and everything else in your world is falling apart. Look around you, can’t you see My children? That is all My son. Love and kisses to all the children of the world. You choose Heaven or hell by your decisions on earth. Choose Heaven now.
God the Father asks that this Act of Contrition be printed and said from the heart for the souls of those do not know one.
Oh My God, I am heartily sorry for all my sins. Because of them, I deserve the eternal pains of hell; but most of all because I have offended Thee, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and avoid the approximate occasion of sin and never to sin anymore. Amen.
Please say this from your heart. Love, Father.