Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

Your Beloved Mother Mary
My love My beautiful one. I love all My children dearly. Please, all My beloved children, I ask you to please listen closely this year. There will be many things happening that will test all to the limit this year. Without the grace of God, it will be very hard for many to survive. Please repent now and get your soul in a state of grace. Then start to get your physical world in order and start to get closer to God and away from the ways of the world.
My children need to get in the state of God’s grace and get out of a lot of the things of the world so they can start to be happy even in natural disasters. God’s grace and peace is enough to get you through anything that happens in this world. People nowadays put all their trust in the world and in things of the world. I, Mary, and Jesus tell you to put all your trust in the spiritual God and all the help from the angels and saints that come before you. Start reading the Bible and good Christian books and start throwing all of the books of the world away. Worldly things get you just as far as the world and death. Heavenly things get you beyond the world and let you see why you were put on the earth in the first place. God has a job and a plan for every one of his children. You were put on the earth at this time because you were each one given special graces and blessings for the times we are living in.
We are now in the last 3 ½ years of the earth as you see it now. It will be changing every day till you will not think it is a world and a land that anyone wants to live in. Satan will be permitted to continue to destroy the earth and its people because they are not doing the will of the Father. God had a plan to keep the world safe and at peace for everyone that is on the earth and everyone that has been aborted. Satan was given permission from many people to follow his will not Jesus’ will, and as a result your earth will be destroyed.
You are now living in the era of time just like it was before Noah and the ark and the flood that cleansed the earth so it would be purified again. We are now in that time again. The revelation and the 3 ½ years are being lived as Our son and your brother is writing. All of Heaven says again, to be ready for anything and get your soul in order and prepare food, water, and necessary things to move to the selected refuges that God has prepared to save some of His children to repopulate the earth again in the New Era of Peace that the Bible talks about. This time is nearing and the New Era of Peace is just around the corner. Many will die just like in the time of Noah and the arc and the great flood so please prepare your soul in 2014 so you will either be in Heaven or purgatory or in the New Era of Peace. This is your Mother Mary speaking through My son to all My children on earth. Love from all of Heaven, Mother of all God’s children. Amen.