Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, November 11, 2013
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son, I love you dearly. Tell all My children I love all of them the same, it is they that do not love Me back so I can show them how much I really love them. When I give these messages, they are for everyone unless it just a personal message to confirm to someone something I want them to do. I love talking to all of My children because I love them so much. But you have to stay in a state of grace and not be in mortal sin on your soul. When you have mortal sin on your soul, it tells all of Heaven to stay away because of the free will that you have been given. To hear us from Heaven you need to go to confession or ask mercy and forgiveness for your sins if not Catholic.
All of you who have been reading these messages know it is very serious in the world. You have just seen a whole island under water and many died. How many of them were ready to die and in a state of grace? This is why I am telling you that it is here and it is now. It is here and it is now for all My children because you could be the next ones to die. There will be people that will die by the thousands at one time in a world that is in the shape of your country and in the whole world. There could be hundreds of thousands die with one major earthquake or volcano. We begged before the Philippines’ storm and how few people really listened. Many lost their souls and many are in the lower portions of Purgatory next to hell. Please wake up before something much bigger happens. If Catholics look up toward Heaven and beg Me to forgive them this very minute and then go to confession as soon as possible, if you are sorry for your sins and ask forgiveness from the heart and intend to go to confession as soon as possible and die before you get there, I will forgive your sins. Please look up now and ask Me, the Father of all Mankind, to forgive you and make a good Act of Contrition and get to confession as soon as possible. Why do I tell you this now? Because many people will see all their sins very soon and not be able to get to a priest for a long time because of so few priests and so many people wanting to get to confession, that many will die before you have time to get to a priest. Please wake up and give your sins to me in confession now while it is still very easy.
Love, the Father of all Mankind.