Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Call of God the Father to Humanity. Message to Enoch
The Rosary of Provision That I Sent You Through My Servant Enoch, You Should Pray It After the Rosary of Mercy, So That in the Days of Scarcity and Famine That Are Approaching, You Will Not Lack Your Daily Bread!

My people, Peace to you
My children, days of famine are approaching in your world; hunger, unemployment, famine, viruses, pestilences and plagues, will be another of the many purifications that humanity will have to go through. Money will be of no use, because there will be nothing to eat; it is the time, My children, when you must start stocking up on non-perishable food, because a time of famine is approaching as never before seen on earth. Those of you who can provide yourselves with food, do it now; but those who cannot, do not fear; I, your Heavenly Father, will multiply the little or the much that you have, as long as you share it.
The Rosary of Provision that I sent you through My Servant Enoch, you must pray it after the Rosary of Mercy, so that in the days of scarcity and famine that are approaching, you will not lack your daily bread. Through the recitation of this Rosary I will multiply your food. Begin then, My children, to pray this Rosary so that your daily provision will not be lacking in your homes. The great tribulations are about to begin and the vast majority of this humanity is still lethargic because of sin. You fools, do you not want to accept My Mercy? Know then, My Justice, which is upright and inexorable and give to each one according to his works!
My horsemen of desolation are already riding on the earth and have begun to pour out their cups; only the time of the Warning and Miracle is lacking for My arm to unload with all the weight of My Justice on the immense majority of this ungrateful and sinful humanity. Oh, impious humanity, you are still spiritually lethargic and when you awaken, you will no longer find Mercy, but Justice! My time of Mercy is about to be consumed in its entirety and no matter how much I exhort you to change, what I receive in return is more wickedness, rebellion, ingratitude and sin. Woe to you who continue to turn your backs to Me and not face Me, because when My Justice is unleashed, no matter how much you lament and plead, you will no longer be heard!
My people, the tribulation that is approaching has never been experienced in this world. If you, sinful mankind, knew what is coming, you would run to put your accounts in order and seek God with all your heart! In the time of great tribulations, if you do not cling to Me, your Heavenly Father, you run the risk of losing yourselves eternally. Prodigal children, I am your Father who is waiting for you with open arms; take again the path of salvation and return to Me, with a contrite and humiliated heart; I assure you that if you do so, I will forgive you and I will never again remember your sins, however great they may be. Run then, because the boat of My Mercy is ready to leave; do not leave the ticket of your salvation for the last moment; hasten to take it so that you will not have anything to regret tomorrow!
Be in My peace, My people, My inheritance.
Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of the Nations
Make known My messages of salvation to all mankind, My children.
(For times of economic scarcity)
O Infinite Mercy of God, who provides for men of good will, widows and orphans, meeting their material and spiritual needs; open the pantries of heaven and in the name of the Father (blessing), in the name of the Son (blessing) and in the name of the Holy Spirit (blessing) send me the provision I need to meet my needs this day. (The petition is made ...)
Creed and Lord's Prayer.
It is said, "May I have grace and mercy even in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).
Answer: "In the name of the Triune God, Divine Mercy Provide for me". (10 times)
At the end of each decade, an Our Father is prayed, and one begins again, "May I have..." So on and so forth until the five decades are finished. At the end of the Rosary, Psalm 136 is recited.
"Anyone who does this Rosary with faith and devotion will not lack daily bread. It is a promise of Jesus of Mercy."