Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Call of Mary Help of Christians to God's people. Message To Enoch.
You are in a spiritual battle.

Little children of my Heart, the Peace of the Most High be with all of you and my Love and Maternal Protection always accompany you.
Little ones, you are in a spiritual battle, therefore you cannot lower the guard of your prayer, because the forces of evil are stalking you at every instant. Your mind is the main battlefield; for this, you must protect yourselves all the times with prayers and short invocations to the Most Precious Blood and Wounds of my Son. You can also turn to Me or to the Blessed Souls, to assist you and to protect you from every attack of the evil one who seeks to destabilize you, to steal your peace, and if you get distracted, your soul.
Remember, little children, that you must clothe yourselves with your Spiritual Armor morning and night (Ephesians 6. 10 to 18) and reinforce it with the prayer of Psalm 91, so that you can withstand the attacks of the adversary. It is necessary that you dedicate some of your time to prayer and to the meditation of the Word of God, so that you may stand firm in the faith. Consecrate yourselves every day to the power of the Blood of my Son and do not neglect my Rosary, for it is a powerful armor to defeat my adversary. Every Hail Mary is a scourge to satan and his demons, my adversary flees when my little children and families pray with faith, my Holy Rosary.
My children, if you do not pray, the mental spirits will take over your mind and you will end up in the hands of my adversary. Every incendiary dart to your mind, must be repelled with short prayers to the Blood and Wounds of my Son or to bring all captive (evil) thinking to the obedience of Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 10:5). You can also say: "Hail Mary Most Holy, come in my Aid Most Holy Mother" or to call our Beloved Prince Michael (the Archangel) or the Blessed Souls who in life fought in this world the evil one. The prayer of the Shield my Son's Blood, given to Enoch, is also a powerful Armor to fight the forces of evil; do it in the morning and night so that you may receive the protection of Heaven.
Make use of all the Spiritual Armor we gave you. Wear my Rosary on your neck, the Rosary of the Blood of my Son, the replica of the Marian banner and the replica of the banner of Michael, the same as the Medal of our beloved Benedict and of the Ichthys; all this protection must be blessed and exorcised by one of our Priests or Ministers. Therefore, little children be alert and vigilant with your lamps lit with prayer, for the days of darkness are coming. Pray for the Pope and for the Cardinals and for the Synod that is taking place in the Church; that the Light and Wisdom of the Holy Spirit may enlighten and guide them, so they can carry out the reforms that the Church needs, without affecting Her moral and doctrine. May the Word of God continue to guide Her and She may continue to be Mother, Teacher, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman, Light and Guide of the People of God.
May the Peace of my Lord remain in you.
Your Mother, Mary Help of Christians
Let my messages be known to all mankind, little children of my Heart.