Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Call of Mary Who Sanctifies to humanity. Message to Enoch.
Euthanasia is murder.

Little children of my Heart, the Peace of my Lord be with you and my Maternal Protection always assist you.
My Beloved Children, Heaven is very sad about the bad behavior of the immense majority of humanity, sin and wickedness are increasing, the chastisement is inevitable to eliminate at the root the chaff invading the good harvest. Rebel little children, you continue to ignore our calls to conversion, your apathy is going to be your perdition. If you do not modify your behavior and repent of your sin before the Warning, you run the risk that your soul will be lost when it goes into eternity.
Do not continue to cover your ears to the truth of God, do not continue in your mad race of debauchery and sin so that tomorrow you will not have to lament. Wake up, wake up, because your soul, rebel little children, is in danger of being lost! Hurry my little ones, because the Warning is coming and if you continue to go on asleep because of sin, you run the risk that your soul will no longer come back to this world!
Little children, Euthanasia is murder, you cannot take the life of another human being, claiming that you are doing it because of intense pain or to give one a dignified death. No human being can decide who lives or who dies, this belongs only up to God who is the maker of life. Nor for brain death, neither for degenerative illness, nor for terminal condition, neither for any reason, life can be terminated. No human being can give the order to have his life taken if he is suffering, nor can any under pain authorize euthanasia, nor a medical professional can practice it, because in doing so they become Guilty and for this sin they can lose their soul.
When euthanasia is carried out on a person, the process of purification that God has intended for that soul, is being interrupted. Only the Creator in Divine Will can decide who lives or dies; souls in agony or in a vegetative state need this purification in order to depart in peace for eternity, others need to purify themselves so as not to be condemned and so many others are being purified to return to life.
What do you mortals know about God's designs? Don't be foolish and don't play to be gods! Only God can give or take life. Euthanasia is a crime against life that proceeds from the Creator. So keep all this in mind, my little ones, so you don't keep committing this murder.
Little children, every human being when he dies must be celebrated the last Eucharist with his body present, that soul needs to be given to God in body, soul and spirit. No suffering one can interrupt the Will of God, don't be unwise! Don't you know that many souls for this last Eucharist have been saved from dying eternally? You must not celebrate the last Eucharist with the ashes of the deceased orne, because they do not have the same merit and the graces that God bestows upon the soul for his eternal rest, are lost. Do not continue to offend God, by following your will above his Holy and Divine Will, so that you do not have to regret tomorrow.
May the Peace of my Lord remain in you.
Your Mother, Mary who Sanctifies
Let my messages and advocation be known to all mankind, my Beloved Children.