Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Call of Jesus of Mercy to His faithful people. Message to Enoch.
Many of my Beloved are desecrating my Houses.

My children, my Peace and Mercy, always accompany you.
I am Jesus of the Infinite Mercy and today I want to tell you, that you are already at the clemency of the Father's Mercy, who is faithful and truthful and who is patiently waiting for the time of the Warning and the Miracle to come, in order to usher in the time of His Justice.
Beloved Children, it is already the time in which you must pray, fast, and do penance, so that you may be spiritually strengthened, and thus resist the days of the Divine Justice that are about to come. You have been warned about it so that you are caught by nothing, by surprise; in truth I say unto you, that the abomination is already starting, many of my Houses are already being desecrated and my Eucharistic Divinity trampled on; days are coming where my Houses will be closed and the Daily Worship suspended. Everything that has been written is being fulfilled, the Apostasy is on the rise, millions of souls already do not believe any longer in my existence. The worldly rationalism and the scandals within my Church are leading many to move away from God.
There is already no respect or fear of God on the part of many, and the saddest thing: many of my Beloved (the consecrated ones), are desecrating my Houses, by allowing in them pagan rites, parties, concerts of mundane music, banquets and in many of my Houses shameless acts have been presented; all under the complacency of some of my Beloved. Woe to you unfaithful Shepherds, who have turned my Houses into places of impurity and into places of amusement, for I truly tell you, that you have already received your pay! Hell is awaiting you; the eternal fire will be your pay.
My children, your greatest treasure is your salvation; from now on go forward giving no importance to the things of this world, for very soon, it will be gone; worry about attaining the treasure of your salvation in eternity; because in truth I tell you, that everything in this world is vanity of vanities. The true Life is in eternity, you only come to this world to Love and Serve; in Love and Service hides the mystery of salvation. In Love and Service God is, love and serve your neighbour because in him the face of God hides; life is love and service, and to the extent you do this, you will find the key that opens the door of salvation.
I tell you all this, my children, so that you take it into account, during the trials of purification that are about to come, because only through love and service to your brethren you will be able to overcome them. You will need each other to advance through the desert of purification. You will only be able to overcome the trials if you love and help each other. Salvation is for all, because all of you are called to attain it, but this treasure you find only, in the love and the brotherly service. Remember, you are not like independent islands, the essence and the foundation of your existence is Love. God is Love, and the one who lives in Love lives in God and God (lives in) him (1 John 4. 16).
My Peace I leave you, my Peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is near.
Your Teacher, Jesus of the Infinite Mercy.
Let my messages be known to all mankind, Beloved Children of mine.