Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Urgent call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to his flock. Message to Enoch.
Many souls are suffering the scourges of occultism.

Flock of mine, my peace be with you.
The wolves roam loose and seek to devour my flock, all the occult practices are being used by the servants of evil to tie and to torture my sheep. Witchcraft is spreading like fire due to the loss of faith of this ungrateful and sinful generation.
Sheep of my Flock, if you move away from Me, you run the risk to be lost, because the time of the darkness is starting; all the wolves are wandering loose, looking for the scattered sheep that have strayed from the fold, some for their lukewarmness, others for their lack of faith and the immense majority for their sinful condition.
The spiritual crisis is leading many to seek solutions in occult sources, the servants of evil are trapping in their nets many unaware that instead of seeking God, they are placing their faith in men at the service of evil. The world is being covering by the veil of evil that every day spreads wider.
Today many souls are suffering the scourges of the occultism because of their lack of faith and trust in God; the spiritually sick are increasing, suffering from illnesses that medical science fails to comprehend. Many diseases and illnesses that humanity is suffering today, have their origin in the occultism and they only disappear with the prayer of liberation made by men of faith or by exorcisms carried out by one of my Ministers, specialized in the field of exorcism.
Flock of mine, pray with the Rosary of my Blood and of my Wounds, do not leave the Rosary of my Mother; do also the exorcism of our beloved Michael and remain in God's grace, so that you may repel the attacks of the emissaries of evil who seek to lead souls to perdition. Remember Flock of mine, that the times are already of spiritual combat, do not lower your guard of prayer, because the instruments of evil are active; they are tying many souls with their occult practices, they go paving the way for the apparition of the Antichrist.
Sheep of my Flock, seal yourselves and seal both your families and your homes with the Power of My Glorious Blood and of my Wounds, so that no force of evil can harm you. Protect yourselves spiritually with my Blood and place your spiritual Armor morning and night, extend it to your family; for you well know that the quarrel is not with people of flesh and of blood, but with evil spiritual forces descended from celestial places, which have command, power and dominion over this dark world. (Ephesians 6, 12)
I warn therefore regarding this flock of mine, that you cover yourselves with my Blood and immerge yourselves in my Wounds so that you can come out victorious in the spiritual combat of every day. The Antichrist already began deploying his forces of evil, for this, sheep of mine, you must be well protected, so that no attack that comes from the master of darkness and his hosts of evil, can harm you. Comply with my instructions, and do not move away from Me, so that tomorrow you may inhabit my New Creation.
My peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and convert, for the Kingdom of God is near.
Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd.
Make my messages known to all mankind, sheep of my flock.