Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Urgent Call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to humanity. Message to Enoch.
Listen to my last calls and do not continue in your rebellion.

Sheep of my flock, my Peace be with you.
The night of my Justice is coming and many souls still continue to turn their back on Me. Poor souls in keep on going as they go, they will not see the light of a New Dawn! Everything is about to be consummated in its totality and the immense majority of humanity is still kept asleep by sin. Millions of souls will be lost, some for lack of knowledge, some others for being lukewarm and the overwhelming majority for walking in sin.
As the time of Mercy is ending, anxieties and problems for humanity are increasing. Never before humanity has been so hard-necked, as it is with this humanity of these end times. They do not realize that by living apart from Me, that I am Way, Truth and Life, they are in danger of losing themselves eternally. Oh mankind, I am calling you through my Prophets and you do not want to hear Me! Pay attention to my calls. because of those it depends that tomorrow you can continue living! As a Good Shepherd I am calling you to conversion, through my messengers listen to them and do not doubt my calls; look that the days of anguish, desolation and chaos are coming and by continuing in your sin and your wickedness, what is awaiting you is the eternal death.
Rebellious sheep, and the wolf is loose and he is looking for you; listen to my last calls and do not continue in your rebellion, for it will be your perdition. The door of my Fold is about to close and if you do not hurry up, you will be left on the outside at the mercy of the wolf and its minions. I am the Good Shepherd speaking to you, do not doubt my Words, for they are, Words of Eternal Life. Once again I say unto you, hurry rebellious sheep because the night has already begun and the world is about to enter the darkness! I am looking for you and calling you, I have left the ninety-nine, to go in search of you my lost sheep. I am the Eternal Shepherd who never sleeps, because he waits for the return of his sheep; I go out of my way with love for all of them and especially for those who are ungrateful, rebellious and sinful.
Come to Me, my rebellious sheep, do not be afraid; I will not punish you or make you any reproach, and no to remind you of your sins. I only hope your repentance, that only is enough for Me to shed upon you all my Mercy. Run my rebellious sheep, my Fold is waiting for you; do not be late; the door is set, knock and it will open. My Father is awaiting you and for the return of each one of you, We will make a banquet. Heaven will celebrate your arrival. I love you and I wait for you my rebellious sheep.
Your Eternal Shepherd, Jesus the Good Shepherd of all times.
Let my messages be known to all mankind, sheep of my flock.