Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Urgent call of God the Father to humanity Message to Enoch.
Stop sinning and breaking My precepts.

My children, My Peace be with you.
I am your Father, One and Triune, Lord of lords, God of gods; outside of Me, there are no more gods. I am the Creator of all that is visible and invisible, the Alpha and the Omega, the Lord and God of all times. I want all of My children to give Me adoration and worship on this date; that all My inheritance, celebrate on this day at world level my feast. That the whole month of August be dedicated in honoring My Name.
People of mine, My Inheritance, all has begun to untie now, as the days go by, your purification will increase. Children of Mine, if I sent you My Justice with all its tribulations, I assure you that you would not resist it; as your Father, I do not want your death, but that you purify yourselves so that tomorrow a remnant of you, will be My faithful People. You are already in the time of purification, but you have a long way to go to be totally purified; I need you strengthened in faith, in sorrow and suffering, so that you can pass the great trial which will be the last reign of my adversary; where you will feel in body, soul and spirit, the maximum purification that will refine you so that you shine with your own light and you can be called My chosen People.
I am purifying you gradually, so that you can strengthen yourselves in body, soul and spirit, so that tomorrow you will be victorious in the days of the great trial. Through the intercession of My Beloved Daughter Mary and Mother of yours who, united with all the celestial beings in praise, adoration and intercession, are crying out mercy for humanity, that is why I have refrained from sending you all the rigor of My Holy Justice. Understand humanity that I am more a Father than a Judge, I am not pleased with the death of the sinner. But I see with Father's sorrow how you break My precepts daily and commit injustices with your brothers.
I feel great sadness in seeing sin and the evil walking with the immense majority; It hurts Me to see the moral, social and spiritual degradation that this generation has fallen into, which makes of this one the most perverse and sinful of all the generations that have existed (before). You have turned My Creation into a sewer of evil and sin and she cries for justice; I would want to unleash upon you all the rigor of My Just chastisement, but I abstain in doing it because to do so there would be no survivors to occupy tomorrow My New Creation.
But I will first send you My Warning. I assure you that you could count on the fingers of your hands those who would be saved: because the sin and the evil of this humanity of these end times has surpassed all limits. The code of Love with which he believes all things and creatures, the sin and evil of this generation have tainted It. As the Father of creation and creatures, I had never before seen so much evil and sin on the part of my most beloved creature, man. The intelligence with which I endowed it is now used for the service of evil; My creation is being affected by all the evil and sin of this generation and is in danger of disappearing. If he will not send you the punishment, the man of today would destroy my creation.
I gave you the grace of free will because as a Father, my essence is Love and Mercy more than My Justice; I hoped that My creatures made in My image and likeness would also work in the way of good. But no, you have used your free will to walk in evil and to act with injustice and to continue like this, you are going to destroy yourselves. I am speaking to you as a Father, reconsider My children, how do I have to tell you that I do not want your death? Stop sinning and breaking My precepts, if you did so, I assure you that I will forgive you and have more Mercy with you than I had with the inhabitants of Nineveh. To a greater sin, greater mercy, if you convert.
I have not sent you the chastisement as you deserve, hecause I am faithful to My Word and I hope as a Father to exhaust the last thousandth of My Mercy. Understand that I love you and I want you to return to Me, just as the prodigal son did. I do not want you to know me as a Judge, because I assure you that for My Justice, none of you is blameless. My Warning is coming and it is the last open door of My Mercy. I hope that as you go through eternity you will wake up from your lethargy and will return to the love of God. Again I tell you creatures, I love you and I do not want your death, but that you live, so that you can inhabit tomorrow My New Heavens and My New Earth.
Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of Creation. My children let my messages be known, to all humanity.