Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima-Cali-Colombia. Message to Enoch.
Urgent call of Our Lady of Fatima to Humanity. Pray for the Bavarian Cardinals, Bishops and Theologians.

My beloved children, the Peace of My Lord, be with you all.
Little children, great trials have begun to come to humanity and this one is made going asleep by sin. The spirit of apostasy, the loss of faith, are every day stronger and leading many to turn away from God. The spiritual confusion due to the worldly rationalism, bad readings, ideologies and heretical teachings, is what leads to the loss of faith, to those who walk in spiritual lukewarmness.
The Church is being attacked from the inside by a large number of prelates who seek to reform It with ideologies contrary to the Gospel of My Son. Pray little children for the Bavarian Cardinals, Bishops and Theologians, because many want to put an end to celibacy and seek to establish the priesthood for women and the communion for Protestants married to Catholics.
They ask for reforms that go against the moral of the Church and if that would be allowed, it would create a great division within. The schism My little ones is about to begin, the spark has already been lit, everything will end in a great division that will make millions of souls lose their faith.
Marian Army of Mine, walk with Me by praying My Holy Rosary, by praying, fasting and by doing penance, because the hour of darkness has begun. The spiritual battle between the forces of good and of evil is already in your world and it has begun to intensify.
The mental attacks against the People of God are every time stronger and are causing that many lose their mind.
Little ones, come to Me, your Mother, when you feel attacked; invoke Me and I will come to your aid to protect and cover you. I will not allow any of My faithful children and their families to be lost.
Intensify the prayer, it is time to pray with greater intensity, because the forces of evil are active and do not rest in looking for the way to make the greater number of souls be lost. Pray for the sinners of the whole world, especially for those who are more distant from God, so that the Divine Mercy will free them from being lost.
Visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, so that He can strengthens you in the spiritual battle of each day. Remember My children that very soon the great abomination will begin and My Son will be desecrated and outraged in His Sacred Places and you will not be able to find Him in the Tabernacles. Then, take advantage of this now and do not leave Him alone. He is waiting for you and He wants to be your food, your strength and security. Come then and feed yourselves as much as you can of the Lamb of God, so that you will be spiritually strengthened and will come out a winner in the spiritual battle of each day.
My children, in the times of the great abomination, I will be the Sacred Place where you will find My Son. Your praying of My Holy Rosary will open the door of My Tabernacle, so that you adore Him. I am the Living Tabernacle, come to Me, My little ones and after the prayer of My Holy Rosary, make the Spiritual Communion and say as follows:
Holy Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, Living Tabernacle of the One and Triune God. Give us to your Son Jesus, the Blessed Fruit and pray for us so sinners.
The Angels of the Eucharist will come down from Heaven and spiritually give you Communion, so that you will be strengthened in the Spirit and able to cope with those days of affliction.
Know then children of Mine that Heaven will not abandon you. I, your Mother, will be the Bridge that will make you communicate with My Son; I will open the Tabernacle of My womb, so that there you will spiritually worship Him. My presence in those days will be more noticeable, I will let Myself be seen by many of My children, so that your faith will be strengthened and thus united we will begin the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
May the Peace of My Lord remain in you, My beloved little children.
Your Mother loves you, Mary of Fatima.
Make Mv messages be known to all humanity, little children of My Heart.