Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Anguished Appeal of Jesus Christ to His Faithful People.
Jesus: My Glorious Blood is terror of the demons and strength of My faithful.

My peace be with you, My children.
The Power of the sorrowful mysteries of my Mother's Rosary, together with the power of the Rosary of my Precious Blood, keep the demons away from your homes and families.
My Glorious Blood is terror of the demons and strength of My faithful People. In these days of spiritual battle, my children should pray with the Rosary of My Precious Blood morning and night, so that you may remain victorious over the forces of evil; remember that you cannot relax with prayer, because my adversary is more active in these times, seeking desperate souls to make them lost.
Bless and exorcise also a medal of my Precious Blood and carry it hanging around your neck, so that it may serve as protection in the spiritual battle of each day.
My children, no demon, no matter how strong he may be, can touch those who pray and carry the protection of My Glorious Blood. Hell trembles when you pray with My Precious Blood. Satan and his demons know that they will be defeated by the Army of My Adorers of My Precious Blood; that is why he seeks, by all means, to end My devotion, because he knows that the Power of My Glorious Blood is his defeat.
Every Gethsemane that is made on earth shakes the kingdom of darkness, the demons are tortured and scourged by My faithful ones every time they pray with the Sorrowful Mysteries of my Mother's Rosary and the Mysteries of the Rosary of My Precious Blood.
Hell fears this Devotion, because it knows that its defeat is assured.
My children, faithful of my Most Precious Blood, multiply my Devotion for the whole world, that there is no corner of the Earth where My Precious Blood is not prayed with.
I ask you to form small groups with My Devotion in each nation, so that the Power of my Blood will multiply and give strength; and just as the mustard seed, it will grow and have abundant fruit.
The Power of My Glorious Blood will destroy the plans of the Antichrist and his instruments of evil at the time of his last reign. My adversary will not be able to do what he wants and extend his dominions, because there will be the Adorers of My Precious Blood, who will prevent it.
I make an urgent appeal to all the faithful of My Precious Blood that they may unite in prayer, because days of strong attacks against my Devotion are coming!
Go forward My Warriors, not a step back! Fear not, my Glorious Blood protects you.
Lift up the standard of My martyrs, given to my Servant Enoch and the banner of the Agonizing Christ; I want these to be the emblems of My Devotion. Therefore, pray and be vigilant and say in union:
May the Precious Blood that springs from the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Temple of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge and Sunshine of Heaven and Earth, cover and protect us now and forever! Amen.
Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world!
Your Redeemer and Savior
The Agonizing Jesus Christ
My children, make My messages known to all mankind.