Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Urgent Appeal of Saint Michael and the Heavenly Militia to God's People. Mortals, Praise and Glorify Yahweh.
Cathedral of the Divine Child Jesus. Bogota, Colombia

Who is like God? No one is like God.
Brothers, may the Peace of the Most High be with you, and our assistance and protection always accompany you.
Brothers, the days of mercy are already coming to an end; the only thing missing so that the time of his Divine Justice may begin is our Father's Warning. The heavenly trumpets very soon will ring again, announcing that your passage through eternity is coming. Prepare yourselves, my human brothers, because your purification is about to begin. The days of spiritual combat are coming when you will have no rest because the armies of evil will attack you and will seek your downfall by all means. People of God, be alert and vigilant with prayer, fasting and penance, so that you may endure the days of spiritual darkness that are approaching.
We remind you, brothers, that we are at your disposal. Call on us and we will come to your assistance. We are your brothers, the Archangels and Angels of the Heavenly Militia who are under the command of our beloved brother, Michael, and we serve Our Father and Our Lady and Queen, Mary. Our Father has granted us the grace of being able to assist you spiritually in the days of your spiritual battle. We want to tell you that, before calling us, you must first ask our Father for permission, with the prayer "the Our Father”. Then you must call our Brother, Michael, with His battle cry: Who is like God! No one is like God! (3 times) and so we will come into your company to lend all our assistance and protection to you.
Brothers: Who is like God, No one is like God! I am your brother, Michael, and I want to remind you again that you must be ready and prepared for spiritual combat. I remind you, Earthly Militia, that before you enter into combat, you must have your spiritual armor. Be careful not to initiate battle without bearing your armor, because you run the risk of being attacked by the forces of evil! Remember that your fight is not with people of flesh and blood, but against the Sovereignties and the Powers, against the rulers of this dark world, against the spirits of evil, who dwell in the heavenly spaces. (Ephesians 6, 12).
Brothers, you must already be prepared as are good soldiers, making use of the spiritual weapons that God has given you, which are powerful in the Spirit for the collapse of evil powers. Earthly Militia, the time is coming; remain alert and vigilant, for the battle in your world Is about to begin. Consecrate yourselves to Me, and to the Heavenly Militia. Make this consecration extend to your family, relatives, neighbors and friends, so that through the Grace and Mercy of my Father you remain protected.
You must have the Spiritual Armor Manual that My Father sent you through our brother Enoch because the prayers you must say and the rosaries that you must pray in the days of spiritual combat are there. Would that all people of God and the Earthly Militia have the prayers of the Armor so that they can counteract the attacks of the forces of evil.
Follow the guidelines and instructions that we will send you through the messages of Enoch because they will guide and instruct you in the spiritual struggle.
So, take heed of our instructions and be ready and prepared because the spiritual combat in your world is about to begin. I give you this prayer of consecration to me, and to the Heavenly Militia, for you to say every time you go into spiritual combat.
Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, St. Michael the Archangel, I consecrate myself and I consecrate my family, relatives, neighbors and friends to you, my beloved archangel, and to the Heavenly Militia. In this way, on this day and every day while we live beneath the sun, we are protected and sheltered by your Heavenly person and by the Heavenly Militia.
All that we are, have and do, we consecrate to you and we ask for your assistance and protection day and night, so that no force of evil can cause us to lose.
We entrust to you the care of our physical, psychic, biological and spiritual being, especially our soul. Heavenly militia, may your assistance and protection deliver us from all evil and danger. Help us brothers to remain firm in faith, so that not one of the children of God be lost.
Oh, blessed Saint Michael, protect us from the attacks and snares of the evil spirits because you know full well that we are poor mortals, fragile and weak, in need of the Mercy of God and of your protection to fulfill the mission that Heaven has commissioned to us. Oh, Saint Michael, may your victorious cry: "who is like God? no one is like God”, suppress and cast into Hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the destruction of souls. Amen
Your Brothers, Michael the Archangel and the Archangels and Angels of the Heavenly Militia.
Glory to God. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
Men of good will, make known our messages to all mankind.