Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Call from Saint Michael the Archangel and the Heavenly Militia to God's People.
Millitant Army, Be Ready and Prepared As the Great Battle for Your Liberation is About to Start.

Glory be to God, Glory be to God, Glory be to God and peace to people of good will.
Brothers and Sisters, the days of the great Armageddon are approaching, but first you must pass through eternity. Oh those with lukewarm hearts if they continue to be indecisive they will surely be lost! All the wolves disguised as sheep will be unmasked so that my Father's flock won't continue to be deceived. The harvest is about to begin, the chaff will be separated from the wheat and it will be cut, dried and thrown into the fire .
With the Sign, the harvest will begin. As you pass through eternity you will be shown the truth and your forehead will receive the mark of the Lamb, all those who are of my Father's flock. This so that when you return to this world you can know who is of God and who is of the adversary. When you pass through eternity you will know the existence of the One and Only God; One and Three. You will receive instructions for the spiritual battle and one of you Children of my Father will be given a mission that you shall accomplish upon returning to this world.
You will be strengthened in the faith and dressed in God's Glory so that you can, without fear, confront the armies of the adversary. Without receiving these graces you would be easy prey of the evil one and his spirits. You will be ready for the great spiritual battle; you will be transformed into spiritual warriors and you will all see us and will also see the forces of evil. With God's grace and with our help you will evict satan and his evil forces from the face of the Earth.
Brothers and Sisters, after the Sign and Miracle, the Triumphant and Purging Glorious Army will join the Militant Army here on Earth. Under the command of Our Lady and Queen, we will be God's Great Army that will expel the forces of evil from this world and will prepare the way for the Lamb of God's triumphant return.
Prepare then people of God, as a great event is coming which will transform your lives. Militant army, be ready and prepared as the great battle for your liberation is about to start. Have your armor well oiled with prayer, wear the belt of truth, adjust the vest of justice, always carry the shield of faith so that you can stop the flaming arrows thrown by the evil one. Don't forget to tighten your sandals of peace so that they take you to announce the Gospel May the peace of the Most High be always with you.
Your brother and servant, Michael Archangel, the Archangels and Angels of the Heavenly Militia.
Glory be to God, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Let my message be known to the whole world.