Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, August 25, 2014
The Urgent Call of Sanctifying Mary to the Great American Nation.
Little Children, Make a Great Chain of Prayer, Fasting and Penance Asking My Father to Have Pity and Mercy on the Great American Nation!

The peace of my Lord be with you, little children of my heart.
The hour is drawing close in which my Father will pour the cup out of His Holy Justice upon you, o Babylon of end times. O American nation which has not wanted to welcome the call that my Father is making you for conversion! I say that the innocent blood that you are shedding is crying out for justice; your sodomy, idolatry and moral decadence are offenses against the love of the Father; the yoke which puts over many nations will be set over your nation and your double moral will be uncovered. You will not be called again the great nation, but you shall be called the great desolated.
The fire of divine justice will fall down upon you and fire from the mouth of the yellow dragon very soon will devastate and destroy a large part of your territory. O nation of the eagle if you do not come back to God from your heart, you will be dethroned and only will remain a memory of you! Abandon your arrogance and prepotency, stop sinning, cease challenging God’ wisdom, because you have reached the extreme believing that you are divine; and tomorrow all this will be your disgrace. O nation of the fifty stars if you do not return to God as Ninevites, my Father will disappear you from the face of the earth!
O God’s people intone a plaintive song for the queen of nations so that it will be converted and avoid to be punished! Go back to God inhabitants of the great nation, stop subjugating nations, stop shedding innocent blood! Do fasting and reparation for all your sins, ask for my holy intercession, so that the rigor of Divine Justice will be more bearable, and you and your cities will not disappear to the passing of the Holy Wrath of God! Today, my heart is so sad for the fate which is waiting to this nation if it continues in its crazy racing of debauchery and sin.
Little children, make a great chain of prayer, fasting and penance asking My Father to have pity and mercy on the great American nation! As Mother of humankind, I make an urgent call to the inhabitants of this nation to welcome as soon as possible the mercy of my Father. I make a call to its ruler to stop the war which would only bring desolation and death to creation. The war will wake the Divine Justice, and poor of you, my little children, because you do not know what you will face. The war will destabilize the earth and the whole planetary system will be affected by the technology of death which is handled today.
Stop the war, kings of this world, because my father will not allow you to destroy what with so much love He created! Be forewarned, stop bloodshed, do not enter into war; abandon your anxiety of power and expansionism, because it will bring desolation and death. May the peace of God reigns in the hearts of the rulers of this world, so that injustice, violence and war will cease it, and it blooms justice and peace among nations.
Thy mother: Sanctifying Mary.
Make known my messages to all mankind, little children of my heart.