Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, December 23, 2013
Stop Already Offending God You Sinful Souls, Let Your Rebelliousness Because the Time of the Great Judgement is Approaching and Many of You Will Return Not to This World!

Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God and peace to men of good will.
Brothers in the love of my Father, may the peace of the Almighty be with you.
Today I come to tell you that the day when you will render accounts to my Father is coming. Praise the glory of God brothers, because soon every mortal with reason will have to settle accounts to my Father, for their behavior in this world. . The judgment where God will show you how much you have loved and how much you have loved not; Woe to those souls who will appear before my Father, without having forgiven for they will suffer the purifying fire of purgatory and feel the pain of lack of forgiveness! Woe to those lukewarm souls, because they will know hell, where they will end up, if upon return they continue that spiritual luke-warmness! And woe to those surprised by God’s judgment in mortal sin, because they will suffer the fire of damned souls and will feel all the pain and despair of these poor souls!
Stop already offending God you sinful souls, end your rebelliousness, because the hour of judgment is approaching and many of you will return not to this world! What are you waiting for? See that the time is getting shorter and is reaching its limit. Leave not your salvation for last minute, reckon and make straight your path, so tomorrow you need not wail for all eternity.
Brethren, the evil being incarnate, the prince of this world will soon be revealed to the nations, under no reason fall to temptation to see him, because you well know it is the old serpent looking to seduce and lure you with the power of his gaze and then make you lost. God's people beware to look or listen to the being of iniquity! Remember that curiosity is not of God and it has had many ruined; abstain from falling into the subtle traps used by the prince of this world to rob your soul.
When the antichrist announces his appearance, you must disconnect all devices where it can be viewed or his voice filtered, forget not the advice given my Father and our Lady and Queen, to seal with the blood of the Lamb of God all these communication devices of your world, remember that the serpent is cunning and has all the means for more souls to be lost .
Start being accustomed to silence in your homes, let these media remain off for the longest time possible for when the Antichrist comes, you sons of God, the seed of my Father, are ready.
Never tire of praying, you do it all the time, because in times of darkness and gloom ahead, only the flame of your lamps burning with prayer will enlighten. You will be small lights in the darkness, the light of your lamps will be your protection and my Father will send Angels to oversee and protect you in the darkness. He will send his angels to carry you in their arms, so that your feet stumble not on some stone.
Prepare yourselves, brethren, because the days of purification approach, strengthen yourselves all you can with the body and blood of the Divine Lamb; waste not this time, this short time that you still have, that you may praise God and give Him thanks for His infinite mercy to soon allow you to be in His presence and behold His majesty and all His glory, that will transform your life and upon return to this world to do His holy will and may tomorrow be able to inhabit his new creation.
Give glory to the God of life, because his love is eternal. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Your brother and servant, Michael the Archangel.
Men of good will, make known these messages.