Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Mary Mystical Rose’s Appeal to the Children of God.
Do Not Release My Rosary, Pray at All Times, Because My Adversary Does Not Rest Looking the Way to Make You Be Lost!

Little children of my heart, peace of God be with you, and my maternal protection assists you.
Mankind very soon will go through eternity; the awakening of consciences will catch many without being spiritually prepared. My little children remain prayerful and vigilant, because mental attacks have been intensified. My adversary is attacking the mind of the children of God to be distracted during the prayer, and in this way, it cannot hurt him.
My children, you must seal your mind and every prayer that you do with the Blood of my Son, for that my adversary cannot steal it to you; ask for help to the Holy Spirit of God to block all mental attacks, because my adversary is looking for distract you for steal the prayers. Mental spirits are attacking the minds of the people of God through deceptions, distractions, impurities, blasphemies, curses, fears, anguishes, despairs; every time that you begin to pray, these evil spirits are filtering through your minds for distract and divert you from prayer. Therefore, little children, you must seal yourselves with the Blood of My Son and combat these mental spirits with weapons that heaven has given you, which are powerful in spirit to overthrow fortresses.
Rebuke every evil spirit in the name of my Son and take them to the foot of the cross, so that my Son gives them their proper destination. Remember that you are militant army soldiers, do not lose your head neither let yourself be filled with fears; that your prayers be your stronghold, and your faith and trust in Our Two Hearts, be your victory of each day. Do not release my rosary, pray at all times, because my adversary does not rest looking the way to make you be lost!
The time, my little children, it is becoming shorter, and the spiritual battle is getting hardest. Only prayer, fasting, penance and the Holy Eucharist will remain you firm in the combat. If you turn away from God, you run the risk of getting lost, because the evil armies are already here on earth. Many evil forces wander throughout the space looking the way to make lose the largest number of souls, so that when, the being of iniquity will make his appearance will not find much resistance.
I call my militant army: That your priority be to rescue a largest number of souls for heaven! Pray, fasting and do penance for those souls further away from God, that will be snatched from my enemy, and so they can thus obtain mercy. My Rosary is the most powerful weapon which you can count to defeat my opponent; he hates and fears my rosary, because he knows, that a Rosary, prayed with faith, humility and meditated, knocks down his plans, and it snatches away from him many souls. Offer my Holy Rosary for the souls, in most need of God’s mercy, which are wandering in this world, and I, thy mother, will take them away from my adversary so they do not fall into the fire of hell. Forward, children of God, rise up my banner, and do not release My Rosary, for salvation of souls is at stake!
Your Capitan and Lady: Mary, Mystical Rose.
Make known my messages to all mankind.
After receiving this message from our Lady and Queen, St Michael was present, and dictated me this prayer for all the people of God.
O mighty and invincible champion, St Michael Archangel, vanquisher of infernal dragon! Come, come, come and covers us with thy armour, enlightens us with thy light, hides us under thy wings, and protects us with thy glorious sword. That calling thy name: ‘who is like God’, we will be protected and covered with thy celestial person.
O blessed St Michael; we join to the great heavenly host, and we submit to thee, oh powerful champion, for thou to be our guide, our defender, our light and leads us, together to our Lady and Queen Mary, at the gates of the celestial Jerusalem.
Who is like God?! We join to thy glorious scream of battle, and we trust in thy holy protection, which will deliver us from the wiles and incendiary darts of evil one. We offer thee, our work and the struggles of each day, for salvation of souls, especially for those in most need of God’s mercy which wander in this world, so that thee, o blessed St Michael, protects them, delivers them, guides them and takes them safe to the glory of Heavenly Father. Amen
Who is like God? No one is like God! Who is like God? No one is like God! Who is like God? No one is like God! (Pray it morning and night)