Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Thursday, July 29, 2004
I Am the Light on the Way

My children: why are you troubled? why do you doubt? Do you not know my little ones that I am your Father your Shepherd, your Redeemer, who gave His life for you and if I had to give it again for you, I would gladly die again. Fear not, I am with you. I am the captain who steers your boats.
Even if the night is dark and the winds are rough, do not be afraid. Even if the waves rise and you feel that your boat is collapsing, do not fear; even if the life is narrowing and the waves are imprisoning you, do not fear, because I am the light of the new day. I am the peace that calms the storm of your lives. I am your refuge and your path; the sleep of your eyes, the joy of your sorrow. I am the food on your table. I am your Father and your friend. My loyalty is above the loyalty of men; my faithfulness embraces all whom I love. My mercy is the sustenance of my flock. I am the evergreen, ever-fresh pasture of my sheep. I am the crystal water where they quench their thirst. I am the beacon that lights their lives. I am the comfort of my sad sheep. I am the bread of the hungry, the way of the lost, the physician of the sick.
Therefore my little sheep never fear, for I am your Shepherd who never sleeps. When doubt assails you, I am your truth; when you are sad, I am at your side. When you are lost in the night, I am your way, and when you are hungry, I am your bread. Why then should you fear my little sheep, for I am your Shepherd who watches over you. I will leave my footprints on your path; I will cleanse the path where you pass and make your way safe. So my little sheep, do not be afraid and do not fear, for I am the light that will continue to guide you.
Courage. Do not lose heart, for I will be waiting for you at the end of the journey.