Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
My Mother Intercedes for You with Copious Tears but It Is Up to You to Merit Eternal Life
Message of Our Lord to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy

My beloved children, My Father who is in heaven and blesses you, may He always be with you all. Always remember that if you are born on this earth it is because He has called you by name one by one.
You are His forever and forever seek to be reborn to heaven. Yes, My children it is now your turn to conquer that Homeland where the Father awaits you.
I am with you as I was with My disciples, I love you in the same way in which I loved them and I will lead you, if you will, into His adorable arms filled with the Holy Spirit.
He, the author of life also has the power to take it back but He will do so only if you, full of love for Him, desire it.
This is the eternal abode, I love My Father and I pray to Him to preserve you from the great offenses that Satan suggests in order to take you to his kingdom of fire and eternal punishment.
My children, pray and make them pray, entrust yourselves to the maternal arms of My Mother and yours and you will have no regrets. These times you are living are the last, but this does not detract from the fact that they will be very difficult for those who do not know how to ask for help with their prayers.
My Father has many places in store for you, but try to merit eternal life. My Mother intercedes for you with copious tears but it is up to you to merit eternal life. I love you, seek Me and I will be with you for all eternity.
Jesus Crucified.
Source: ➥