Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, June 11, 2022
This Hill will shine with the light of Heaven
Message from Heaven to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 08-06-2022 - 4:17 p.m. (locution)
Beloved children, you have been good enough, honorable to the Word of Heaven, obedient, ... that obedience which every child should give to the Father his Creator.
Today Heaven announces its intervention , soon everything will be different, this Hill will shine with the light of Heaven because Heaven will come down to dwell there.
This place, My children, is consecrated
to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph.
Here the three Hearts united in love will triumph! Soon you will see them appear on the Grotto, they are indelible signs, ... they will remain forever!
Beloved children, great will be the graces you will receive. Overcome now this time that still remains for you on Earth because you will soon know true life, true world, the greatness of God in His Universe, in His All! You will be absorbed by the Most Holy Trinity and you will become children of Heaven, ... you are already children of Heaven but you will return to inhabit Heaven; ... this is the promise that the Most Holy Trinity today turns to you here present and to all of you who from afar are following this call, you who with so much love are participating in its growth.
Beloved children, the Father announces to you an important event: soon you will see signs in the sky, they will manifest one after another, it will be the warning of what is to come.
God is preparing His Intervention on this sinful Humanity, who does not want to convert, who does not want to return to His Father, continues to follow Satan in sin.
The gate of this Grotto will open very soon, you will see signs preceding this event before the gate opens for all to enter to receive the eternal blessing of Heaven! ... It is the grace that God the Father Almighty will grant to all His Children, to all those who faithfully and lovingly said their yes like Mary.
My Children, do not be alarmed by what is happening in the world, do not be mortified by the sorrows you are going through, ... Jesus and Mary went through these sufferings before you, in a much more painful way. Today it is your turn.
Embrace yourselves as brethren, help one another, always be available to this call, "never neglect to come to this Hill." I will intervene so that everyone can continue to participate in this holy Rosary and the supplication of Jesus' anticipated return.
My children, Heaven is happy, ... few but good!
This place is known all over the world, ... to the ends of the earth!...The world is with you, all those who listen to you across borders are for Me beloved children, beloved, precious in My Eyes, those whom I will take in Me.
Thank you, thank you all, thank you! Now help Heaven to save as many souls as possible by dedicating your lives for their salvation.
May the Most Holy Trinity bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Praised be the Blessed Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Now and always.
Source: ➥