Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Begin As of Now, to Speak to Your Unbelieving Friends, about Our Second Coming
Message of Our Lord and Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy

My daughter, I ask you but consequently, through you, your brothers, do you believe in My second coming among you, on your planet earth?
I am the Second Person of the Trinity and I can affirm, with certainty, that My second coming among you, is approaching. It will be coming soon and many of you will recognize Me, while others, unfortunately, will remain in their errors.
Prepare yourselves, I say to you, to receive Me and My Blessed Mother as you deserve and that is with all the love and desire to know your beloved Jesus and Mary personally.
Consider yourselves fortunate since you will not go through an earthly death.
You will feel like you are dreaming, then very slowly your heart will ask forgiveness for all the times it has been part of so many sorrows brought to us, Jesus and Mary Mother of the Church.
Wake up, My children, pray and make people pray if you want to be considered true loving children.
Begin as of now, to speak to your unbelieving friends, about our second coming, tell them that they do not have much time left, to pray and prepare for our coming that will be yes of consolation for all of you but will make you experience difficult moments in the face of the forgiveness that you will have to ask for your many sins and offenses to our most pure hearts.
I bless you in the expectation for you that this day will come.
In the name of the Father, Mine and the Holy Spirit paraclete.
Jesus and Mary.
Source: ➥