Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, June 6, 2022
These are the last moments of life on this sinful Earth.
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 04-06-2022 - 4:28 p.m. (locution).
My children, it is with great joy that I come among you to stay with you, to walk with you, to take you after Me to My Son Jesus.
Be obedient to His Word, listen to His Voice, ... these are difficult times but terrible times are coming, those that the world will have to go through because of the sin that this Humanity does not want to give up.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus drips blood, ...still Jesus and Mary bathe the Earth with their tears of blood.
My children, what will now unfold before the eyes of this Humanity will be the most terrible thing it has ever seen, not even in horror movies.
Beloved My children, would you know what joy you give Me in seeing you still gathered here in this prayer cenacle together with Me in supplication to My Son Jesus for His anticipated Return.
Jesus thanks all those who are participating in carrying out this Work, this special call, ... they will all be rewarded for their sacrifices, for God will give them the grace to welcome them into His New World, a World made of good things, full of joy and eternal happiness.
I take you all in My Heart, My children, you, who are always here, despite your great sacrifices and problems at home: ... may the Lord's grace grant your requests.
Trust in Him, My children, trust in Him! Trust in Him! Have the "certainty" that He will soon intervene in this world full of infinite misery to restore its light, to break down the darkness that is rampant in the hearts of men.
Thank you for your faithfulness My children, thank you!
Today I renew the consecration of this Hill to the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and offer it to My Son Jesus.
I his faithful Servant, "now," in this battle, I will be strong as a lion, and I will guard the lambs entrusted to Me, I will bring them back to my Son Jesus safe and sound, pure and immaculate in love as He asked Me.
God the Father Almighty Yahweh, manifests His decision: These are the last moments of life on this sinful Earth, shortly God's children will meet the King of kings, they will enter the New Homeland.
God, in His great sorrow, will have to witness as He already knows, the disgrace of all those who have refused to acknowledge His Son Jesus as the one and only true God, those who have set themselves against the Creator God, those who believe they are gods on Earth and go swaggering still to exercise their pleasures, the pleasures of the flesh, the pleasures of all shame in the Eyes of God.
The Ten Commandments have been set aside, the Church has now abolished God's Law, made a new one, one easier for man, so that sin is no longer accepted since God died on that cross for all.
Beware, beware O men, beware! This is a sign of Satan, you have been freed at great cost, but you will have to contribute to this Salvation of My Son Jesus Christ by giving your lives for the salvation of you and your brethren.
The Earth will soon shake in every part of it, the seas will be shaking wildly, the mountains will collapse, they will crumble, the hail that will come from heaven as it touches the earth will turn into fire, everything will be an inferno!
My children, I say these things to you here present and to all of you who listen to Me and follow from afar, to make you understand that God has only one Word, that the prophecies are to be fulfilled, ... and that they would be abolished if this Humanity would be converted, if it would return to its Creator God instead of fighting Him! ...You do not accept that you are children of God! ...You want to be children of Satan! ... so you will be swallowed up by this Earth and die in the burning flames of Hell!
All these words are for your salvation, so that you may repent quickly before all this happens.
Come on! unite among yourselves, be one force, fight together against the powers of Evil.
Help make this Work grow, God is now at the gates, let Him find a place worthy to be visited by Him, not only the place but also your hearts triumphant in Love, pure in Love!
We bless you: God the Father, Mary, Jesus and the Holy Spirit who is already hovering in your hearts, ...envelop you and consecrate you to Himself, ...bring you triumphant to victory in Christ Jesus.
Source: ➥