Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Everything Is Going to Happen, the Wrath of God Will Come upon Unrighteous Men

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 02.04.2022 - 5:35 p.m.

Terrible days are coming upon the world, and for those who are far from God the Creator, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Men of Galilee, your God demands your conversion, do not be foolish, the impact is imminent, prepare to return Home.

Do not reject this call of Mine for salvation lest you find yourselves in the bitter situation that will be presented to this wicked humanity.

My beloved creatures, it is your God who is calling you back to Himself, He wants to give you the chance to enter into true life, to proceed with your future with Him and in Him! ... You will have no other help but in Me. I AM the One Who has created all things and is able to do all things, do not lose yourselves in the deception of the forger, his aim is to make you his own, he will try to deceive you using all the means in his power, ... do not fall into his trap.

My children, wake up, turn away from evil, have the courage to return to Me, ask Me for help and I will rescue you and bring you to safety.

Man's madness in Satan is at its peak, the cursed vampires thirsting for the blood of men will not stop, they prostrate themselves to Lucifer, they are commanded by him, they are cold-blooded, they are now deaf and blind to My Love.

Children of Love, it is with fervent affection that I try to awaken you to Me. Come out of Ur and go where I am calling you, strive for your salvation, the time is dark, do not be disobedient to Me, see to it that you are put in a condition of salvation.

The rapture of the chosen ones is at hand, be among those whom I will take into Myself, ...the New Life is in My Infinite Good!

My Garden is verdant, there are succulent fruits, fragrant flowers and clear, refreshing water! I am the God of Life, in Me and only in Me is your happiness.

Have the desire for the Things of God, O men! Abandon the darkness, ... your conversion is urgent! Take the Rosary in your hands and pray without ceasing, ask for forgiveness for the sins you have committed, have within you the pain of these sins, eradicate yourselves from them by supplicating My mercy.

Everything is going to happen,

the wrath of God will come upon unrighteous men.


Source: ➥