Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
You Are at the Last Stage, Soon You Will Hear the Death Bells Ringing: Do You Want to Plunge into Hell?
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 28.03.2022 - 9:22 p.m.
The Most Holy Trinity, in the Person of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, embraced in one love to Mary Most Holy, calls all men to urgent repentance, to return to the One and Only True Creator God.
The day is approaching! ...
The traitors will not escape the Chastisement of God!
Heaven will thunder and the whole Earth will tremble, ... lightning will fall on the Earth! Mighty sounds of thunder will shake the hearts of those far from God.
Where are you going, O men, where?
The road you are following is the one that leads you straight to Hell! Wake up My children, it is your Father who is calling you back to Himself, ... the Warning is now before you, do not let yourselves be caught in the net of the enemy who hopes to take you with him to Hell!
You are in Lucifer's curse, the battle is about to rage terribly, the fight will be tremendous! Evil has you in its grip, you have become its slaves, you are its pins!
Truly I say to you: Repent before it is too late, call Me to your aid, recognize Me as your God and I will intervene to snatch you from the claws of Satan.
You are at the last stage, soon you will hear the death bells ringing: do you want to plunge into Hell?
Come to your senses now, there is no more time, everything is accomplished!
Source: ➥